Chapter 15 Stalker

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I sprung up from the bed and got ready for my day out. I washed my hair, brushed my teeth, etc. Then I dressed in casual clothes such as jeans, a hoodie and T-shirt. I skipped down the stairs quietly and passed the living room. Only to reverse and check inside it. There on top of Sanzu lay two naked young men, him still sleeping peacefully underneath the weight. Sighing I went back upstairs to get Naoto’s old clothes and threw them at the bottom of the sofa for the two to put on when they wake up. I then went to the kitchen and started on my breakfast. It was a day off so I went all out and made myself a full breakfast consisting of a fried egg, mushrooms, sausages, hash browns and had a can if beans with me as well. I healed myself a plate of food and ata down at the table with a cup of coffee completing the breakfast. Just as I was about to take a bite of the sausage I had, a random head fell on top of my shoulder. “Mmm that smells delicious… let me take a bite”. I slammed the palm of my head into their foreheads, the force pushing them to the ground. I swung around and pointed a fork at him. “Ow! That hurt Naja! Why’re you so mean to me wifey!?”, cried a blonde as he rubbed his forehead with a pout. A short stature, blonde hair and black eyes met me as I examined the male in front of me. Wait… did he just call me Wifey? “Huh? Who’re you?”. “You don’t recognise me? I’m Mikey!”. Wait a sec, no wonder he looks familiar, well not looks but you know what I mean. He looks like I imagined Dorayaki would. “Sit down. I’ll get you a plate to eat”, I gestured towards the table while getting another plate. I piled some food on it and set it down in front of him, watching as he dug into it. I also sat down and started to eat peacefully, occasions taking a look at Mikey. “What the hell am I doing as a person!? What happened?!”, screeched a male with shoulder length white hair and Iris coloured colours. Straight I knew this was Izana as he was the only cat with eyes that colour. He also had a smaller stature than average, making me stand above them. “Hello Izana. Take a seat. I’ll get you breakfast”. “I don’t want your breakfast you ugly b- sit down Izana”, interrupted Mikey as his eyes blanked. They loooked like empty bottomless pits and gave me shivers down my spine. I just made another plate for Izana and took a swig of my coffee. “Hey Naja. Ugh, my back stomach hurts so much”, wined Sanzu as he came into the kitchen while rubbing his stomach. “It must be because those two slept on top of you”, I pointed at the two brothers who ignored each other, while I placed a plate towards the left of me. “Huh? How are you two human?”. “That’s what I would like to know as well”. “I dunno. I was thinking about Dorayaki before I fell asleep. I woke up as a human”, shrugged Mikey while he chewed on the food. “I was thinking up plans on how to defeat Mikey before also falling asleep”. Wow. These brothers love each other so much huh. “I give up. Just ea-MIKEY!! WHERE ARE YOU!?”. “Ken-chin! I’m in here!”. Draken and the rest ran inside but skidded to a stop as they looked at Mikey and Izana. “Hah!? How’re you human! That’s unfair!”, screeched Baji as he made a run for Mikey. “Ken-chin! Stop him from tearing my beautiful face!”. “Hah? Mikey I’m pretty sure you meant to say ugly”, Smiley, well, smiled as he and Angry looked at him. “Why’re you so mean to me! Baji stop scratching at me!”. “Hey hey hey now. I don’t need anymore messes. Remember the last one you guys made? So settle down and I’ll give you all some food”. I grabbed Baji by the scruff of the neck and dropped him beside his friends. I then piled the rest of the food onto a plate and set it down in front of them, before going back to finishing my breakfast. After everyone was done I washed the plates and checked my phone. I had a text from Daki telling me to meet her brother at the park I was at with the cats last time. “We’ll then. I have to go but behave and don’t make a mess. Draken and Kakucho are in charge while I’m gone”. “Huh!? How come they’re in charge!?”. “Because they’re the least to make trouble”. “Where are you going anyways? Don’t you have a day off?”, questioned Sanzu curiously as I saw some kind of mask over his mouth. “I do but I’m going on a date. My friend set me up with her brother and I can’t refuse after she went to such trouble”. After finishing that the room grew noticeably colder as everyone was quiet. “We’ll have fun then Naja!”, grinned Mikey as everything went back to normal. “Thanks. There’s more food in the fridge if you’re hungry. I’ll tray to get back in a few hours. Bye!”. I shut the door on my way out and went inside my car. My stomach churned in anticipation as I prepared for the next few hours ahead of me.


“Sanzu. You know what to do”. “Yes Boss”. “Huh? What’s going on Mikey?”. “No need to worry. Sanzu’s just going for a little walk”, he reassured Draken although everyone was sceptical about wether if it was the truth or a lie.


I finally arrived at the park and knew instantly who I was supposed to meet. A male with green hair that was tied up with black birth like batches on the skin. Yellow eyes and pale skin accompanied the male along with a lean frame and casual clothes that hung off his frame. “Hello. You must be Daki’s brother?”. The male turned around and looked at me with a blank face before recognition flashed on it. “Ah, you must be Naja right? Daki keeps talking about you. Even though it was against my will, she made me come to this date”. “Thank god I’m not the only one. Daki also didn’t ask for my consent before arranging this”. “Yes. Sister dearest can be like that sometimes. Forgive me beforehand if I’m a bit awkward. I’ve never been on a date before”. “To be truthful, this is also my first time on a date. Most people try to avoid me since I work in the police department”. “Really? Just because of a job? I’ve only been with your for a few minutes but even I can tell that you mean no harm. Most people avoid me because of my weird birthmarks. I’m surprised you’re not revolted by me yet”. “Nonsense. To be quite honest… you’re kinda attractive”, I muttered as my cheeks blushed furiously. “Well… I’m glad you think so. Let’s just have a good time today”. We spent the next two hours walking around the park, feeding ducks and had a quick lunch at a nearby cafe. For a first dates, I really enjoyed myself. “This was fun. How about we meet up again sometime?”. “Yeah… that would be nice”. “Goodbye for now, Naja”, he kissed my hand and walked away, disappearing from sight as I was left rooted to the ground. “He… kissed my hand”. Unknown to her a masked figure was furious as he had watched the last 2 hours go down. “This isn’t good”.

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