Chapter 22

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Guess what, it wasn't and ordinary club after all. Well, it mostly was but the waitresses had to wear short skirts paired with a tight blouse, high heels and a full mask to cover their face. I knew this as i saw a couple of waitresses standing outside to take a smoke.

"Daki. A warning would've been nice". "Oh. I thought I told you no? Oh well! Let's go in now", she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the back where the employee entrance was. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the manager who was a man in his thirties.

"Ah. You must be the two new waitresses. Here are your locker keys so go change into the uniforms and meet me back here after. "Yes sir".

We quickly went to the changing rooms and slipped into the clothes which made me conscious of my appearance as I hadn't worn skirts in ages."Oh my god! You look completely different gushed Daki as she inspected me and dragged me out again.

"Now, for today you will only be handling the delivering of food and drinks as well as some bartending. Just listen to the orders of the others and you should be off. Good luck". And he was gone. "Okay. I'll take the bartending while you deliver the stuff, okay?", asked Daki as I nodded while putting on the bunny mask I had. "Lets do this".


I was looking around my new room and was more than satisfied with it as my queen had been the one who made it. Not having her beside me was making me anxious as I didn't know where she was and what she was doing.

"Hey Sanzu". Immediately my mood soured as I knew who the voice belonged to. "Takeomi". "We need to talk". "No we really don't need to. So get out". "I know I was wrong to single you out, I'm sorry. I really am. But please forgive me".

This made me enraged. Forgive him? After he looked down on me and treated me like a piece of shit compared to Senju who he doted on. He was the reason I left home, he was the reason I became what I am now.

"Forgive you? Listen here Takeomi. I'm not your little brother anymore and im not planning on forgiving you. Ever. So stop bothering me and go back to doting on Senju. I don't need a brother like you".

My back was still turned to him but I could hear paws walk away as I finally let out a sigh. "I've got a new family now. I don't need you anymore".

I still despised the fact that he also came to this place as a cat. Him and his three little friends. Shinichiro is the brother of my king, so that's okay but the rest... they need to go.


Everything was calm and going well as I delivered drinks while Daki was making them. She also had an advantage as she was able to talk to the customers and get more information that could help. But my time also came when the manager came up to me.

"Hey newbie. You're the only one free at the moment so I've got no choice. The owner arrived with some guests so I need you to deliver his order. Don't speak unless spoken to and don't mess this up, got it? If you do you're out of here in a flash". "Yes sir".

I collected the order and headed to the second floor where the boss had told me to go to the last door and knock three times first. I did just that and carefully entered after a reply sounded. Balancing the tray holding expensive whiskey and snacks, I entered the room which straight away told you this was made entirely from money and not to mess with the owner.

Columns, silk curtains, chandeliers and golden wallpaper decorated the room as I descended some steps to a lounge area where two people were arguing while a few others were watching on. "Finally. What took so long", asked a voice as I bowed in apology and placed the tray down on the glass table.

"You should have better staff Tengen. Although I have to admit, they are delicious to look at", chuckled a blonde male with a fan covering part of his face. Shivers crawled down my spine as I noticed the sick look in his eyes. "Quiet Douma. You there. Stay here unless we need you again".

I didn't know if I had good or rotten luck but I just nodded and stood to the side, listening into the conversation. "Now lets discuss the boss's order. What did he say?". "They told us to look for someone in the police department. Tachibana Naoto and bring him alive", answered a male with slicked back hair and a scar over his eye as he smoked a cigarette.

This made me freeze instantly. Naoto? Why would they want my brother of all people? Although it made sense as he was one of the main detectives on their case.

"Alright. We'll do that in due time. Now, boss number two said we have to get rid of some rats from the port mafia we've allied with. They've been in contact with the police and already gave them some info". "But why are they not gonna do it themselves?", asked a guy with blue tattoos on his face leading further down. "Because they found their Queen remember?".

"Oh yeah. I've hears rumours about her. Although some people doubt her existence". "Don't worry, the Queen is very much real and soon, she'll be by the boss's sides".


"Too bad we can't meet or share her. I've heard she's quite the looker". "Oh shut up already Douma", answered a guy with long white hair and snake like eyes. "The boss's would do more than dismember you. They'd torture you before killing you off". "Hmm yes. That would be quite the problem".

"You. Go get us another drink", ordered Tengen as he lounged on the couch in silk robes. Bowing, I quickly left and told someone else to bring up their order before going to Daki. "I've got all we need, now lets get out of here". "Sure thing".
"Well that was fun", she commented as we were driving back. I was driving her home as she was dropped off by her brother and didn't have a ride home. "For you maybe. I had to be in the same room with those executives". "Did you find anything?".

"Unfortunately, they were ordered to find my brother. He is involved with most of their cases so it doesn't come as a surprise. They also want to get rid of some port mafia members who are involved with us, so we need eyes on them at all times". "Gotcha. I'll contact Muzan then and explain to him. This is my stop".

Slowing down the car, I waved her goodbye and went back home. Getting back, i quietly unlocked the door and went upstairs as everything was quiet. Everyone must've been asleep as the lights were off and I could hear snores from on of the rooms.

Undressing in mine, I slipped into the bed in my nightclothes and quickly fell asleep from all the events of the day. Worry was also part of it as I didn't know what to do. Should I warn my brother? Or should I protect him by myself?

Hey everyone! I'm finally back from exams, sorry it took so long 😢. I'll be back to regular updates and I had a question,

Do you want anyone from Demon Slayer to be a love interest too?

If yes then comment who and I'll include them in the story.

Have a good day!

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