Chapter 23

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"Oh. Thanks Ken-chin".

Will I ever get some well deserved sleep? No. Probably not. Not since they came into my lives. Groaning, I stood up as my muscles groaned in pain. Even though I barely did anything yesterday, I stood near the executives for quite a while it turned out.

More than half an hour. Do they also enjoy bringing their employees pain? Or is it part of some elaborate scheme made to make new applicants refuse to work and go home? Gah! I'm overthinking stuff. I'm just tired and want some rest. Thank God the boss always gives us the option to stay at home after doing missions like these.

After doing everything and dressing in some sweatpants and tee, I made my way downstairs at the p-ace of an ant. Only to witness, guess what?


"Great. As if I didn't have enough problems beforehand", I grumbled while walking past the strangers in the living room to grab myself a bowl of cereal. "Oh. Hey Naja", yawned out Mikey as he stuck a spoon in his mouth, Draken doing his hair up as per usual. "Mhm".

"Who are the guys in the living room?". "Oh that's just Baji, Chifuyu, Hanma and Senju. I'd stay away from Hanma if I was you", Mitsuya said from the oven as he put something inside. "Th one with the yellow streak? I wasn't planning to go anywhere near him thank you". "That's so mean! I'm not that bad!", complained a voice as someone slung themselves over my shoulders. "Hey Naja~ Miss me?". I looked at the guy with a yellow streak in his gelled up hair, a taunting smirk plastered on. With the straightest face I replied


"PFFT!". "That's not nice", he pouted while I just continued eating. "I preferred when you were a cat. Change back". "Rejected as always Hanma?". "How am I not surprised?". "See? No one likes you". "Stop bullying me! Im'a go find Kisaki", he sulked as he went to torture Kisaki.

"AAAAHH!". "Come back here Kisaki!".

"There they go again".

"Don't you have work today Naja?". "No. I'm taking a rest from yesterday's mission". "Mission?" "Don't worry about it". "If you say so". "Imma go do something. Call me if you need me", I told them, while washing the stuff and going off to do something.

After visiting the sitting room and petting Emma, Hinata and Yuzuha, I met with Senju. "Oh. Hey", he smiled awkwardly. I still couldn't fully believe their story about those four swapping genders, but I had to tell you one thing. That Senju looked mind blowing as a male, and as a female? She'd probably be the prettiest girl in the world. "Hey Senju. It's nice finally meeting you". "A-Ah you too! I-I got to go! See ya!", she said before rushing off.

Huh. That was weird. But I quickly ignored it as I didn't want to think about anything today. Walking into my room, I headed towards my movie collection. Most people use sources online but our family is the old type. I owned a lot of old movies which I never watched so this is the best opportunity to- Huh?

"What the hell are you doing in my room!?". "SSSHHHH! Keep it down! And I'm hiding from Hanma", hissed Kisaki as I found him hiding in between the shelf and the wall. "Don't worry. I'm sure he went to bother someone else". "What if he didn't. I'm staying right he- ah!". I dragged him out by the scruff of his neck and grabbed a dvd to watch.

"Let me go you witch!". "Nuh uh. You get to be kept away from Hanma and I get a stress reliever so shut up and stay quiet", I answer him as I felt a tad bit offended at his comment at me being a witch. Turning on the TV with the remote I saw it was a crime documentary and sat down in interest, Kisaki quieting down surprisingly also. We spent the next hour and a half watching the story of 'The Krasnoyarsk Beast'.

It was the story of a man who committed more than 70 crimes between 1992 and 1995 including 19 murders and 8 attempted. We found out about his childhood life that led to him becoming a murderer and the elaborate plot created to apprehend him. "Till this day, this case is still said to be the greatest crime ever done in that area". "Damn. I kinda wanna know more". "Same. It is indeed fascinating how ones childhood can lead to such monsters being born". "I should have more of these documentaries, if you want to join me of course", I coughed out while looking away.

"I might take you up on that offer. But for the record I'm only here because Hanma won't find me here". "Um sure. I'll just go get some snacks", I mumbled while shutting the door behind me and returning with a bowl of popcorn and a few other things. "Now let's see what else I have". We ended up settling on another crime documentary, about another serial killer who only killed females who had blonde hair, as it reminded him of his wife who cheated on him multiple times before divorcing him and taking the children away from her.

We spent the rest of the day like that, only pausing for dinner before going back up to finish them. "Supper's ready!", called Kakucho as I grabbed Kisaki with me. "Coming!". It looked delicious with roast chicken and spuds. "There you are Kisaki! I've been looking everywhere for you!". "Good for you". "What have you two been doing all day?", Izana wrinkled his nose as we all sat down to eat. "Documentaries. Plus hiding Kisaki from Hanma".

"Hey! I wasn't hiding!". "Mhm. Whatever anyways, lets eat. Thank you for the food". We all dug in and had small chats in between before we all finished eating, washed our plates and went our separate ways. Wait, does a cereal killer, kill cereal? Who knows. I went back to my hole upstairs and fell asleep earlier than usual. The bright side, I woke up with a rested body, and a rested soul.

Imagine my agony when I got a text from the boss saying I was gonna be looking after two new trainees in the department. Just my luck. So I had to wake up at 5 in the morning, to go get the papers ready.

"Huh? Naja? Why are you awake?". Feeling my heart in my throat, I saw Shinichiro laying on the windowsill, "Oh. Hey Shin. I've got an early work day today. Why are you up?". "I always wake up this early". "Good for you. Can you look after everyone while I'm gone?". "Sure thing. There's a sandwich from yesterday that someone left over. It's in the fridge". "Thanks!".

Grabbing the sandwich, I drove off to the police station to get everything sorted. I also had to bring over a desk into the room which weighed a ton. It was already 7 by the time I finished. "Hey Naja. I've got your new trainees for you. Their names are Douma and Akaza and they'll be here for a few weeks".

Can my day get any worse?

"Oh and also Daki is on leave for a week or two, you know how she gets. So Giyu Tomioka will be substituting for her".

Never mind. It already did.

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