|13| • Amelia

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He lied.

Everest lied to me and it broke my heart. 

He said he wouldn't leave but when I strutted down eagerly -- hoping I didn't break a sweat on the way down, I didn't see him there. I was met with an unobstructed view. Did I waste that much time? Did he get fed up and leave? My fist clenched, curling my toes in. My chest ached at the thought, I knew I shouldn't be crying over a man I had just met but I couldn't help it! I even tried calling but he didn't pick up. 

I didn't understand, if he was going to leave, why did he tell me otherwise?

"Amelia, come out of your room already." Abel had come to knock on my door three times now if I was counting correctly; it made it all the more embarrassing. He had teased me about getting all dolled up for our date, and he saw me race back to my room when I didn't see Everest. 

Argh! He must have snickered at the scenario. I knew Abel wasn't like that, but still! The voices kept mocking me.

Perhaps Papa was right.

It was a long shot believing he was going to like a childish, tardy girl like me. I mean, he was mature! Handsome, and...I think he was -- or is in the military. I'd seen the tag on his neck, and the silver pendant stood out, almost in sync with his bold stature at the same time. That was so brave of him, risking his life like that. Yet here I was, wasting his time so that I could look a bit decent.

I sniffled loudly, trying to suck my tears back in. Ugh! Why wouldn't they stop!? If he saw me now, he'd probably leave again.

"Amelia." Abel snapped, getting frustrated.

"Abel, I'm fine. I'll come to eat later." Much to my dismay, my voice gave out in a croak. Revealing that I was crying if he didn't know that already.  Abel groaned, banging louder on the door. "What happened? He didn't show? You just ran back up without an explanation." 

I wanted to hug Abel, really, I did. But I was too mortified to do so. I had been so giddy about our date, waking up early to clean up the house. 

Look how that turned out. Gosh! My cheeks had most likely turned a darker shade of brown from how much blood rushed into them.

"So you aren't going to open up?"

My chest tightened. I didn't want Abel to be mad at me too. 

With Papa not speaking to me, Abel and Darrick were the only people I had. 

Oh, Darrick...If I told him this, he'd probably smirk and scold me on how he warned me. I wouldn't let Darrick grin triumphantly over my distress, running my hands over my nose, I rubbed my mascara away. I looked like a mess. 

Staring at the floral dress that bent over my chair, I sniffed away my sadness. Everest had the right to leave if he wanted to, it wasn't his fault.

But I was still mad at him! And... really hurt too.

Since Papa had gone on a two-day business trip, Abel had to stay home with me instead of with his girlfriend as per usual. He didn't deserve the attitude I was throwing his way, he was only trying to help I guess. With a big sigh, I tried puffing out my deflated shoulders. 

"Fine...hang on."

As I opened the door, I stared at the tiled floor, counting how many boxes they were. Thankfully, Abel didn't ask any questions, he just pulled me into a comforting hug. Inhaling his masculine scent, I quietly thanked him, basking in his warm hug. 

Would I even be able to face Everest if I ever saw him again? If he found out I cried over him, he'd get freaked out and bail. Goodness, I was thinking too hard, my heart ached and my head too.

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