|51| • Everest

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I wasn't entirely sure why Amelia didn't tell Abel that the competition in the culinary school was going to be today, I also didn't know if it was entirely my place to spill the beans because the shock on Abel's face made me regret ever bringing it up.

I had come to the mechanic workshop to tell them that I relocated but would still be coming here. Seeing as I didn't know what else I wanted to do, I decided to stick to this one for now. Abel then asked if I was going to work today, that was when I sarcastically made a comment about forgetting Amelia in the culinary school. He seemed shocked to say the least.

"Wait, she's doing that today? Are you serious?" Abel's eyebrows scrunched up, as though he was trying to remember if she ever brought it up. Nervously, I shrugged, trying to wave it off but he didn't let it go. "Why didn't she tell me? Did she think I wouldn't want to come? Ramona would be thrilled to go support her! I would too!" He sounded hurt, taking the towel to wipe his face.

Feeling awkward, I shrugged. What was I supposed to say? It kind of felt good that I was the first person to know she was going today — heck, I even drove her there. Clearing my throat, I folded my arms.

"I wanna come!" Guy said with a grin, raising his arms up. I snorted, "No way, you're just going to freak her out." Abel's words voiced out my thoughts. The only reason I wasn't in the car waiting outside the auditorium was because I wanted her to take this on her own. I knew this was a big step for her, and even though it tugged at my heart, Amelia needed to toughen up.

"But—" Guy stuttered with a pout, Abel snorted, giving him the middle finger. "Go back to work, will ya?" Laughing at the pair, I checked the time to know when I'd start heading back. Amelia did say it was going to take a while, staring at her number, the tug on my heart increased. We'd barely been apart for a while, but I missed her. Gosh, I sounded like a wimp.

"Everest, I've been meaning to ask," Abel began, taking my shoulders to pull me into a more quiet place. I hummed, crossing my arms when we were away from my ears. "What?" I knew this was about Amelia, or at least our relationship. When Abel sighed, massaging his temple, it proved my point.

"If Amelia does get in, the journey from our house to the place would be a lot. My dad said the school is hours from here. What...what exactly are the both of you planning?"

I tensed. Right, we were yet to cross that part. Pursing my lips, I thought of the best way to put it. Telling Abel she was going to be staying with me seemed like a big step — if he was asking, I was sure his dad hadn't told him of the agreement. His baby sister, living with the man she loved (yes, I had to point that out), all alone a big deal. Even I knew it was a big deal for me, the last person I tried to live with was Florescent. It didn't last though, because she moved in just a month before I proposed and broke it off the following month.

Somehow, I got anxious. What if things weren't as rosy as I dared to imagine? What if Amelia saw a side of me she didn't like? A side that wasn't the big, fearless ex-military man. Would she be disappointed? I knew being vulnerable with her was a massive step for me, but if it happened again, would she get fed up? Ah, these thoughts were doing my head in.

"Everest, I asked a question." Blinking back to where I was, the realization hit me that I'd been staring blankly at Abel for a good minute. Breaking the growing tension with a chuckle, I cupped the back of my neck.

"Well, as I said...I relocated."

"So?" Abel seethed, goodness, this boy was protective. "And I did ask her if she'd like to be staying at mine during the weekdays, to ease the journey. I mean, she said yes and your dad was fine with it."

Abel scoffed in disbelief. "Wait, my dad said he was fine with it? A-and he didn't even tell me!" His hand went to tug on his hair. "Geez, that old man is something. No wonder he had been pouting since last week." Abel muttered to himself, taking a deep breath.

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