|41| • Amelia

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Everest cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "How could I decline such an offer?"

Goodness, I couldn't help but think this was all my fault, it was all so sudden! What if he wasn't prepared to meet Papa? Sparing him an apologetic glance, I saw him looking directly at my father, his jaw clenching and unclenching. He was nervous. Heck, I was probably more nervous, my palms were sweaty and my chest thumping. Papa smiled, cocking his head to the dining table.

As we made our way to the dining table, my hand reached out to his, cupping his palm; they were cold. Squeezing go it lightly, I smiled at him. "He'll love you." Those words seemed light of my lips, I could only hope Papa would like him. I really wanted him to. Would his age be an issue as it was for Darrick? Gosh, even I was getting jittery.

Papa sat opposite where I led Evie to, his head turning to glance at me. "Amelia be a dear and whip us something quick for dinner. I think there are some leftovers in the fridge." He instructed, his gaze going back to Everest as he said this. Oh no, I wasn't going to be around for the interrogation?

I was tempted to peck Evie's cheek as a form of good luck but Papa's eyes were locked on him. Clearing my throat, I nodded, settling for a rub on his shoulder. Who would've thought I was going to ever bring someone how? Especially so soon? I'd never even brought a friend home — apart from Darrick and he got roasted by my dad before they began bonding...partially.

Getting to the kitchen, I heaved out a sigh, my body collapsing on the island at the center of the kitchen. I caused this, all because I was a crybaby. Evie was going to have to meet him sooner than later right? Even though our time being official had get to cross a month, heck, even two weeks!

Did I say oops already?

Biting my lip, I tiptoed towards the dining, hoping to hear what they were talking about. Silencing my breath, I tried to make out what they said.

"How did you two meet?" I heard my father ask. From what I could hear, Evie sounded confident, he didn't stutter like I did, he spoke smoothly. If I was my father, I'd be amazed.

I remembered the first time we met, a giggle almost burst through me at the though, quickly, I scrambled back into the kitchen. He had called down a slope down the road side which was filled with grass and trees. His attractive but in the air and head below. When I saw him on my bike, I had to admit, I almost began laughing. Why did I go closer to him?

I didn't know, I just did. Papa and Abel had advise me not to go near strangers, but I did.

As I got closer, I realised how handsome he was, goodness! Everest had a defined jaw, lovely brown eyes and blonde yet brownish hair. I was so nervous I helped him up and wanted to scrambled out of there.

To be honest, when I did, I wanted to go back and ask him to ice cream, knowing I wouldn't ever see him again. Yet, I did. When I was hanging out with Darrick. How cool was that?

Snapping out of it, I realised there was nothing cooking yet, going to the fridge, I brought out the bolognese sauce, putting to a boil two packets of spaghetti. This was the quickest thing to make that Papa and Evie could eat. Humming to myself, I decided to compliment the dish with an appetiser.

An apple pie on a plate, along with orange juice. Taking both trays, I announced my arrival with my loud footsteps. "The food is almost ready, here's the appetiser." I set it down in front of them both. I noticed it was quiet, like they had stop speaking when I entered. As I dropped the apple pie next to Evie, I whispered.

"You alright?"

He chuckled quietly. "I'm alright, sweetheart." Nodding, I scrambled out so they could have the room to themselves.

Back in the kitchen, I could only imagine what question Papa would be drilling him with, clearing my throat, I began. "So what do you do for work?" Was that likely question? How would Papa react when he realised Evie was working under Abel? Hehe. Alright! Next question: "Do you love my daughter?" The question made me crack up, goodness, wouldn't that be embarrassing.

My cheeks heated up at my own imagination, Everest said he loved me. I don't think those words could ever leave my head. He loves me, gosh. Little old me? My insides bubbled with joy. Humming excitedly, I skipped around the kitchen counter, going to get their plates. It was high time I stopped imagining their conversation and just pray things went well. I wanted him to feel comfortable just as I felt in his home. His family was amazing and extra welcoming!

Remembering my time there made me smile, I didn't want to go home so soon. Chewing my lip, I recalled the question Evie asked today, about the culinary school I wanted to go to, I admit, the question was out of the blue and I was cheesing so hard on the inside while hoping he'd keep his word on paying for my tuition.

Was it wrong that I didn't hesitate longer before taking it? Maybe I should have taken it at all, I hope I didn't seem like a leech, sucking him of the pension they gave to him during and after his military days. Gosh, now I was thinking too much. Everest said he wanted to do it, he had the money to anyways, so why stop him?

Gaston's Culinary Dream.

Ah...I sighed dreamily just thinking of being part of the school. They focused more on pastries but did some international cuisines once in a while, they were going to start admitting the nineteenth set soon, I really wanted to be part of it. My thought fluttered farther to the friend I had made, Binta. I hadn't messaged or called her in days, gosh! How bad of a friend could I be?

Taking out my phone, I sent her a text, asking if she wanted to come by my work place tomorrow when she was free, I wasn't sure of her job but she seemed more than comfortable. In about three minutes, just as the spaghetti was boiled to the texture I wanted, I heard my phone vibrate.

Seizing out the water, I added some parsley to the sauce before opening the message. Grinning from ear to ear at her approval, my mood lifted a bar higher.

The sound of fist to table was loud, making me flinch, turning my head to search for the source of noise. It came from the dining. Wait, it came from the dining? Peering my ears the listen, I heard a gruff voice that resembled my father's speak loudly. What was happening?

Taking steps further, my heart began to heat faster, were they arguing? Was Papa yelling at Everest?! Did Evie do something — or say something to offend him? I couldn't stop my legs, they kept moving until I was at the dining, the sight made my heart ache.

Papa was on his feet, evidently fuming and Everest was also on his feet, seeming apologetic. No,no...what were they talking about that got Papa all riled up? Quickly, I was at Evie's side, forgetting the spaghetti and meatballs sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Papa, what—"

"Get out of my house."

My breath hitched, the words were directed towards Everest, I whipped my head, looking at him, his jaw was clenched, eyes wandering. Papa didn't seem like backing down, his eyebrows were furrowed, wrinkles pronounced from his frown. The tension was thick, words unsaid, Papa glared daggers at Evie who didn't look nervous, simply...confused.

"Joseph, I'm sorry that—"

"I will not repeat myself. Get out."

Short for reasons known to me.

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