|25| • Everest

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Amelia seemed excited, and darn was it contagious.

When she jumped into my arms, I was a bit taken aback, but I loved every second of it. How happy she was to see me and how she rambled on about things she wanted to tell me. Amid the excitement, I heard her say something about talking things out with Darrick. It made me curious, did he go to her workplace? Or call her to apologize? Either way, I felt uneasy. What if he wanted to test the waters on her naivete again?

As I drove her to the ice cream parlour, I noticed how bright her aura was. I could see the smile stretching her lips so effortlessly as she looked out the window. Amelia was endearing, it was incredible how much I felt drawn to her.

Chuckling to myself, I let my heart take control, planting my palms on her thigh. I noticed Amelia's slight raise in her shoulder but it immediately relaxed. She tilted her head, giving me a shy smile.

"You like doing that."

"Doing what?" I decided on playing clueless while gently massaging her lap, I liked how soft it felt in my hold. Amelia giggles, my right hand going to hold my free one. Since I still had my shirt rolled up from the mechanic workshop, my forearm was on full display. The little lady trailed her finger against it as if tracing my vein. "That." She cocked her head to the hand on my lap.

"Well, I feel it calms you down, and..." I gave it a light tap. "I like the feeling too." Amelia blushed, her cheeks brightening as she looked away. "You're making me shy." She whined, leaning closer to the windshield. This made me laugh. "Don't be. I want you to be as free as possible, okay?" Amelia squirmed, hiding her cheeks.

"You say it like it's easy."

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" I was curious about how she blushed and moved around with me holding her thighs. She quickly shook her head, "No, it's not that." A breath of relief left my lips. "So just shy?"

"Focus on the road, Evie." Was her snarky response. This made me laugh, this little lady was something else.

The ice cream parlour was one I'd been to only twice, each time was with Saff. Comfortable, was one word to describe it; the place was cream and purple, the ice-cream parlour written and glowing on the sign board. I parked the car, killing the engine. "Shall we?" She squealed excitedly, opening her door and stretching out. She was definitely too eager to wait for me to open the door.

"It's been a while since I've had ice cream," Amelia commented, walking into the parlour as I opened the door for her. "Whoa, this place looks lovely." The girl marvelled at the aesthetics of the place, "I know, right?" It took a minute to get to a seat for two because she kept stopping and gasping at little things. I didn't mind, it fueled my ego, to be honest. Perhaps I'd be taking her to more places when I could.

"Here." I pulled the chair for her, and she giggled. "Are you trying to make me swoon, Everest?" I wasn't sure if she was teasing, the way my name drew from her lips did something to my head, and I decided to play along. "Depends, is it working?" Her cheesy smile was the affirmation I needed.

"What do you want to order?" I asked, scanning through the menu. I wasn't entirely a fan of ice cream, but I took it when the need arose. Hence, I made up my mind to have the milkshake. "I want a sundae. Oh...this one sounds really nice." She pointed at it before saying the name. "What about you?" I told her my order. When the waitress came by, I was about to tell her both of our orders but seeing the excitement on Amelia's face, I stopped. Maybe she wanted to do it herself.

"H-hi, can we have the sundae and milkshake, please?"

"Anything else?" The waitress asked looking at the both of us. Amelia shook her head. "That'll be all." I smiled, she wanted to speak for herself, I could tell she was nervous from her stutter. "I usually feel pretty nervous when doing this, since I'm working as a waitress now, I wanted to give it a go. Darrick's usually the one that orders." I hummed. "Well, you did good, sweetheart."

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