|45| • Everest

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I was acting like a child.

This was the fifth time I check my phone in a span of two hours. I missed her. I was also worried sick. Did that mean I was no longer invited into her home? Her dad most likely hated my guts by now. What I said that day just came out of me without thinking.

I was angry, and frustrated. Why did he get so angry because I wanted to sponsor her? It wasn't even a proper university, it was culinary school! Ah, this was frustrating.

Huffing to myself, I finished changing the shocker on the car, going to pump the tyres for the Porsche. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead, my legs flexing from crouching for too long. For some reason, Abel was yet to come. If I was being honest, I could hardly face him without looking away. His dad would have most likely filled him in.

Just when we were starting to get along.

"What's on your mind, man?" It was Guy who said this, his dark brown hair in an unruly ruffle. He blew strands out of his face, using a handkerchief to wipe his sweat. "You look like your mind is a mile away." He noted casually, taking the beat-up engine out of the G Wagon.

Ah, did I make it that obvious? My mind was admittedly on Amelia the whole time I was here. The thought of losing her, because I didn't hold my mouth, dawned on me. Although I'd explained and apologized, I didn't know if she was still angry at me since I'd yet to see her. But, she wasn't the only one on my mind.

Abel and Joseph were as well.

Just when things were starting to go well, this happened. Why did it have to happen? Perhaps I overstretched my welcome by telling her father I'd pay for her tuition into the baking school.

Pursing my lips, I took in a breath. "See? You're doing it again!" Guy huffed, snapping his fingers near my face to bring me back. I chuckled, shaking my head. "Sorry man, it's just...a long story."

He hummed, arching his eyebrows. "Trouble in paradise?"

Would I call it that? This made me shrug. "That's one way to put it," I uttered, pulling out the pumping machine from the tyre, going to drop it beneath the shelf, Guy wasn't so far behind.

"If you want to let off some steam, we could go drinking tonight." Guy brought up slyly. From what I'd heard, he and the guys were going drinking tonight, to celebrate Andrew's engagement.

I shrugged, not knowing whether to accept or decline. "I'm not sure, I might come though. I do need a bit of distraction." I admit lowly, running a hand through my hair. Guy eyed me suspiciously, "I hope it's nothing too bad. Can't have Abel storming in here and kicking your ass for breaking his sister's heart."

My hands went up in surrender, "Woah there, I broke no one's heart. Besides, I only want what's best for her."

He smirked. "Okay, lover boy. Let it stay that way."

Guy went back to work after that, humming soft tunes from his lips as he went to get a new engine for the car he was fixing. Kissing my teeth, I stretched out, hearing a few bones crack.
Would Amelia see my message if I texted her right now? I knew she was working but I wasn't sure when she had her break. Staring at the last message she sent, I smiled. I told her that I loved her and she replied with 'Evie! I'm shy...but I feel the same way. Ditto.' I mean, I didn't expect her to write it back, but knowing she felt the same way was good.

I missed her.

I also wanted to hug her, to feel her lips in a soft kiss, to tell her I didn't mean to call her a brat. She had every right to know what happened between her father and me. Goodness, my hair was going to start pulling out from how hard I was tugging on it. Perhaps I'd throw caution to the wind and call her straight up.

His Little AmeliaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang