|52| • Everest

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Taking a few steps back, I took a second glance at the room beside my own, the one I'd been working on all week. It looked refreshing, resembling Amelia's own back at her house. From the plain white emulsion painting, I'd called a painter to colour it a pale pink. I had also taken it upon myself to buy already chopped wood, spray painting them white and fixing it on the walls which now supported plastic vases of artificial flowers.

My eyes gazed over at the large stuffed panda sitting on the bed amongst the pillows, it had been a struggle deciding on what teddy to get her, I knew she loved stuffed animals, but I wanted to get her one she didn't own already. The panda did just fine. Huffing in satisfaction, I gently closed her room door, walking into mine to take a shower. I wanted her to be comfortable, and to see my apartment as her home.

Was I doing too much?

Shaking my head, I pulled off my clothes, stepping into the cold shower. The water calmed my nerves, trailing down until it got to my feet. Today was the day I'd admittedly been eager for, the day Amelia was coming to live with me. Perhaps that was why I hadn't sat down for long, I found myself moving from one spot to another, I was nervous. Squirting the shampoo into my palms, I rubbed it over my hair, shutting my eyes as I washed the grease off.

Amelia had sent me the email from the culinary school, telling her that they were going to be in session a week from now, that was why I'd asked if she wanted to come earlier, so she'd be used to the new environment and whatnot. Honestly? I just missed her, I wanted to have her all to myself for at least a week. Good thing she agreed. Although, she told me not to worry about picking her up, saying something along the lines of not wanting to stress me. From what she said, her friend was going to help her pack up and drive her here.


That was the name of the friend, I hadn't met her before but from my excited Amelia sounded when she was the subject; I trusted her just a bit.

Turning off the nozzle, the water stopped rushing from the shower, leaving me to think in silence. "It's going to be fine," I told myself, finally stepping out of the shower and unto the mat in front of me. Thinking of the fact that I was going to be seeing her almost every day now, seeing her in those little outfits of hers, seeing her cook or bake around my apartment, seeing her before I went to bed, made me anxious.

Would I be able to control myself? I hadn't confronted the thoughts till now. She was a woman, a beautiful one at that. The last thing I wanted to do was take advantage of her or go beyond what she was ready for. Dammit, I was thinking too hard again.

Going towards my wardrobe, I pulled out a pair of dark brown sweat shorts and a white polo. When I was done styling myself, I took a look in the mirror. I'd have to control myself, around her, just saying this, I knew easy was the last thing it was going to be. Sometimes, my little lady acted suggestively, did she know what it made me think? I chuckled, shaking my head.

Even though everything was ready, I still couldn't get myself to sit down. So, I decided on warming up the dish I'd made last night. Goodness, when had I ever felt this nervous? It was almost ridiculous. When the doorbell rang, my shoulders tensed up. Was she here already? I checked my phone, seeing that there was no call from her. The doorbell rang again. Dropping the plate, I jogged to the entrance, peeking through the peephole to see a dark-skinned girl with braids sitting in a bun at the top of her head. She had her arms crossed, lips moving at some other person I couldn't see.

I rose an eyebrow. Amelia did say Binta was dark-skinned, clearing my throat, I asked "Who is it?" I saw the woman's head turn to the door, a sneer on her lips. "Open up! Your girlfriend over here is literally freaking out to see you." The person said, "Binta!" My ears perked up at the voice that came after. It was Amelia's.

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