|64| • Amelia

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Everest kept his word and came back to pick me. The street was now well-lit with the help of the streetlight, as the sun had already set. I was a stumbling mess when Evie came, thankfully, Kaji helped me walk in a somewhat straight line. 

The ride home was quiet, I wasn't sure if Evie was mad or not, but he did say he was alright and that I should have fun. But darn, the silence was suffocating. The alcohol I had consumed made me feel rather dizzy so I shut my eyes while he drove, dozing off to sleep after that.

I woke up to my body being dropped on a soft mattressed. Had we gotten home already? I hiccupped, groaning at the headache. "Evie?" I called out when I didn't feel his warmth again. I heard him hum, he was at a distance. "We're home? Thanks for d-driving me back." I called out, pushing myself so I could stand to walk over to him. He held me still. 

"You need to rest, you're drunk." He said, his voice stern. I could barely keep my eyes open, especially with the bright light coming from my room. I wasn't feeling tired anymore, I had slept in the car after all. "B-but..."

"Amelia." I opened my eyes when he called my name that way, as though he had something else to say but stopped at that. "Yeah?" I responded sheepishly, he didn't look angry, he just looked...calm. "Make sure you shower and sleep on your side, okay?" He said, rubbing my arms reassuringly before making his way out of my room. I parted my lips to call him back but hesitated, watching as he closed the door. 

Folding my hands into a fist, I sluggishly made my way into the bathroom, hoping a warm shower would make me more in touch with reality. I couldn't even form words without stuttering. 

Letting the warm beads release the tension in my body, my lips turned upwards in a small smile. I did have fun with the group today. Arnold and I were neck and neck for first place, while Kaji lagged behind -- throwing a tantrum each time her ball landed in the gutter. The only strike she got was thanks to Arnold, but she refused to acknowledge it, saying he owed her for laughing so hard at her fails. Thankfully, Raul wasn't as flirtatious after that, she'd seen a competitive side to him, It was rather cute how he wanted to win but didn't. 

It was nice to hang out with friends...even though I'd have preferred it if Evie had joined in. As the water touched my face, a shiver ran down my spine. This definitely did the trick. After the shower, I stepped out feeling better, a little discomfort in my tummy. Evie did say to rest up but I just couldn't, not when I hadn't apologised once more. Apart from that, I wanted to stay the night in his bed today, I missed him like crazy.

Pulling up my shorts, I looked in the mirror, hoping I didn't look so drunk off my butt anymore. Tying my hair up in a bun with my chiffon scarf, I sprayed the Victoria's Secret body mist all over so I scented sweet. Walking out of my room, I checked the kitchen and parlour to see it was empty, so he was definitely in his room.


Knock knock.

I waited patiently after that, hoping he hadn't slept off just yet. He didn't answer, so I pulled my hands up to knock a second time. The door creaked open right before my formed fist contacted the door. Everest stood tall beside his door, staring down at me with creased eyebrows. "I thought I told you to rest?" He asked, tilting his head. Oh, now I felt like a little girl being scolded. Rocking the balls on my feet, I smiled nervously. 

"I...I wanted to see you."

"See me?" He asked lowly, a trace of amusement in his voice. I nodded. "Can I?" I asked, pointing to the little space beside him to walk into his room. As though he was thinking, he pursed his lips for a second. "Sure, come in." Opening the door wider, he stepped aside so I could enter. When I did, he closed it quietly. 

I walked towards his bed, climbing on top of his bed to sit. "Oh?" He asked, coming to bed as well. "You want to sleep here?" He asked, turning to face me. I nibbled on my lips, nodding my head. "Can I?"

"You don't have to ask, Amelia." He said, turning to sleep. That was it? No endearments? He was definitely not happy about today. I watched his back for a few moments, debating on what to say, I didn't want to just sleep, I wanted to talk with him. 

"I admit, I wasn't happy about today." I stilled, he was speaking, much to my surprise. He had his back turned. "I didn't want to intrude, it wasn't as though I didn't want to be with your friends." He continued. I stared silently, holding his duvet with a fist. I didn't expect him to be the first to speak in this kind of situation. It made me feel good, he was speaking his mind and not just saying he was fine like I usually did. 

"And, I didn't feel like watching his every move." He ended, finally turning to face me. Watching his every move? What did he mean by that? "W-what do you mean?" He just stared at me, his head still on his pillow, so I laid down as well, moving closer to him. "You know what I mean, Amelia. I didn't feel like being pickled by his every move, watching if he flirted with you, or offered a drink, just anything. He gets under my skin and he knows it." Oh.

He was talking about Raul.

I looked up at him, wanting him to air his thoughts out to me.

"I don't fancy talking bad about your friends but I just don't like how he acts towards you. The other guy is alright, the one with the orange hair." So that was why he insisted on leaving because he didn't want to watch Raul. I guess...I kind of understood.

Embarrassed, I tore my gaze from his. "I'm sorry about that." I was, I hadn't thought about it that way, perhaps that was why I considered it as ruining my mood and not in his view. Everet's hand cupped my neck, rubbing circles with his thumb. "I know. I'm sorry if I made you feel hurt because of that." He apologised as well. He didn't need to apologize! I was the one who messed up the whole thing! I shoop my head profusely. 

"You shouldn't be sorry! I'm the one apologizing Evie, I didn't see it like that. If I were in your shoes I wouldn't want to be there as well." I told him, resting my head against his chest. I could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat. It almost rhymed with mine. His laugh vibrated in his chest. 

"It's okay, I just wanted you to understand where I was coming from. I trust you, my dear Amelia. I just, I don't trust myself to not act out if I see it fit." He whispered, rubbing my neck. We were cuddling now, his other arm wrapped around my body securely under the covers. I simply listened to him and his heartbeat. 

"I trust you too, Evie," I said, and I meant every word. 

He kissed my forehead, muttering something I didn't catch.

"I...I want to make it up to you." I said, looking up from his chest, I wanted us to go on a date, just us this time. So I told him, and he smiled. "You don't have to, darling. It's fine." I pouted, shaking my head adamantly.

"We could go on Tuesday! I'm having just a morning class that day, and you don't go to work on Tuesday right? Abel said so."

"You asked?" I blushed at the fact that I had exposed myself. "I-it just came up in one of our conversations." Yes, I did ask. I was curious is all! He chuckled, not believing a word I said. 

"On Tuesday?" Evie asked once more, pursing his lips. "Yeah, we could go...hm, how about we go skating? I reckon it'll be fun! Though I haven't skated in a long while." Everest looked away, pulling his eyebrows together a bit. "I actually have something planned on Tuesday." He said, making the excitement die down. He did?

"Oh, what is it?"

"It's uh...nothing much really. I'm going out with Gabe to get something."

"The whole day?"

"Not really, I have an appointment before--" He paused after he said this, pulling my head to his chest. "How about we reschedule it for Saturday instead? I'd be free then." There it was again, the changing of the subject when I asked where he was going. Since we were talking right now, was it okay to pester him until he told me the so-called appointment he was going for? He deemed it 'nothing much' but he couldn't explain what it was.

Holding my tongue, I closed my eyes, trying not to let the thought bother me. Whatever it was, I guess he'd tell me if it was important in the first place. "Goodnight, Evie," I say, our warmth making me comfortable. He hummed.

"Goodnight my princess."

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