|27| • Amelia

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What did I just do? In front of my big brother's mechanic shop, no less. I heard whistles and chuckles fill the once-calm environment, their gaze fixated on us. I didn't want to shy away now, not after putting on such a front. Pursing my lips, I held in a smile at Everest's shocked expression, was he blushing? Good. I wanted to get a reaction out of him, and maybe show whoever was holding his arm— his bare muscular arm! That she didn't have that right. Geez, I sound a bit territorial right now. I hope he didn't mind.

"Baby..." Everest breathed out a chuckle and to be honest, my legs almost gave out at the baritone sound. His hands slipped around my waist pulling me closer, this made me squeal. Okay, this was getting too much for my little heart to bear. "I couldn't stop thinking about you." He whispered lowly, I was sure the lady was still watching, heck maybe even the entire shop! My face heated up, I tried staying on my tiptoes but the gelatin feels made it harder to do so.

"Evie," I giggled at his flirtatious remark. Alright, yes he also crossed my mind a few times at work. That was why I took a turn and a bus to Abel's shop instead of going straight. When last had I been here? In my defence, I did tell him I'd be stopping by more frequently.

To see my big brother!

...And maybe the man holding me like I'd disappear if he didn't. Tee-hee.

"I'll admit, I did too. Just a bit." He smirked. "Just a bit?" Then hummed. From my peripheral vision, I saw the last fold of her arms, her eyebrows knitting. Who was she? I'd never seen her before. Was she and Evie close? No, don't answer that. I didn't want them, to be close, not when I'd accepted my feeling for him, not when I'd kissed his cheek against my conscience's words! Hmph!

Nibbling on my lips, I shrugged my shoulders before letting him go. Now that we weren't so close, I felt a bit less warmth than before, I missed the warmth he created. Everest grinned, his hand going to itch his neck, was he nervous? I mean, I read in some books that men did that when they got nervous. Did I make him nervous? My heart swelled in triumph.

Unknown woman - 0, Amelia - 1.

"We were having a conversation, little girl." The unknown woman had finally spoken, and her words dripped annoyance and sass. Huh?! Was I the little girl? Did I seem so little? Her words admittedly pricked at my chest. I crossed my arms, not being able to hide my emotions well. "I'm not little." Gosh, that was immature, wasn't it? My head heated in embarrassment, I wanted to run off and make my way back home but since Everest was here, I decided to stay grounded.


Oh, was that her name? "This is Amelia, the one I was telling you about." He said, his tone stern. Emily scoffed, shrugging her shoulders. "It's just a date, she won't mind, right sweetie?" This time she turned to me. Wait...a date? She was asking Evie on a date. My Everest?

Alright, I guess he wasn't mine, but that was beside the point! Of course, I minded! Why was Everest just staring? Did he want me to openly admit what bitter thoughts were swirling in my head? I grimaced. When was the last time I did that? This woman drew it out of me. And did she just try to demean me with her endearment? Oh, no she didn't.

I cleared my throat, oh dear Lord, I didn't want to stutter and look even more childish. "A date? With my man?" The words came out before I could stop it, left to me I'd have stopped talking but it needed to be said. "Of course I mind, what makes you think I wouldn't?" Was my tone too harsh? Was that why her smirk faltered? Good.

"Uhm...what-whatever. I'll see you later Everest."

"Don't hold your breath on that." Gee, I was still going?

When she was out of the workshop, I turned to Everest, my grimace remaining. "So you wanted to go on a date with her?" He seemed shocked at my sudden question. "What? No I didn't." When he saw I wasn't budging, he moved closer to me. "She asked, and I was going to decline, baby. But I don't need to anymore, since you pretty much scared her off." He finished with a smirk, his hands holding my elbows to pull me closer. "So you can stop being mad at me now."

I couldn't even stay mad if I wanted to.

The only thing separating his bare chest from my body was his apron, the thought cause my cheeks to heat up. I pouted, it wasn't fair. Alone had to do was gaze at me with such an expression and my knees were turning to jelly. Why did he look so handsome and rugged right now? "Baby..." Great, he just added that into the mix, I might as well be floating now.

"Whatever, Everest." Okay, maybe I liked this hard to get I was barely pulling off. His eyebrows knitted, his bottom lips pouted. They were pink. "Amelia,"

"Yes, Everest?" Oh my goodness, it was getting so hard for me to hold my laughter.

"Can I kiss you?" My heart lodged in my throat on the way to my mouth. What did he just say? He wanted to kiss me? Right now? Like in this workshop with these men around? I mean I didn't mind but, oh my gosh, my brain was running on overdrive right now.


"I guess I got your attention now." He smirked, this made me gasp. "You did not just-" This sly man! With a playful anger, I pushed his strong chest, trying to create more space between me and the laughing man. "I mean if you're down for that, I don't mind." He whispered near my ear, causing goosebumps to trail my skin. I didn't want to imagine how it would be like if Everest and I kissed. My little mind wouldn't be able to take it.

"I have nothing to say to you." To be honest, I was too flustered to speak.

"But I'm serious. I wasn't going to go on the date or anything. Not with you on my mind." Pursing my lips was a feeble attempt of stopping my blush, but it kind of did the trick. "Has anyone told you of how charming you can be?" I responded with a smirk of my own. Everest laugh, shrugging his shoulder. "A few times."

"Oh, I hope I'm not taking out of your time." I didn't realize I may have been eating out of his work time, even if Abel was my brother, I pretty sure there was no favoritism here. Everest chuckled, shaking his head. "I haven't taken my break yet. Want to spend it with me?"

Was that even a question? Of course I did! I nodded, feeling shy under his gaze. I watched as he removed the apron, throwing on a white tee. For more than a split second, I saw his bare chest an abdomen. Wow. Think clean thoughts, Amelia. I wasn't going to describe it but darn, coming here was worth it. If you know what I meant.

"Yep, let's go." He grinned, taking my hand in his as he led me out of the workshop. For a split second, I imagined us being a couple, and boy did my heart skip a beat.

Here, next one will be longer.
Btw, it's my birthday ❤️

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