|48| • Everest

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+ Two Years And Some Months Ago +

"Do you think we're going to make it?"

There it was again, Gabe and his questions, I found them hard to answer and this was no exception. There was a glint of hope in his eyes, that kind of feeling which I forbade myself from indulging. I forced myself into this position, I could have requested to be discharged, to go...home— if I could even call it that. But I chose to stay, and now, our base was attacked, and we were forced to start a war with them.

Shrugging my shoulders, I took the military pack, throwing it into the boiling water. He was the only one that came, the others were at a camp we'd managed to set out, I felt suffocated, so I came out...but he followed.

"Do you want the truth? Or shall I pacify you?"

Gabe chuckled at my answer, was it funny? I couldn't help the bitter taste in my mouth. Perhaps it seeped through my heart. Would it be better for Pa and Emily if I didn't just come back? If they announced my disposal during the war? I shook my head, eyeing the man I'd come to see as a friend. He was staring right back with a sad expression on his face.

"Ah, as blunt as ever, Simon. How about a little bit of both?" Gabe responded, helping me stir the food with a wooden spoon. Being out here on its own was dangerous. If they happened to find us here, they wouldn't waste a second thinking, it would rain bullets and hand grenades.

Taking out the rice, I drained it before taking a spoon. It tasted bland, but it'd do for now. "Well, Gabriel. I think if the odds are with us, we would be able to subdue them with our firepower, or they'd come to a truce with us."

"And if not?"

"Then our corpse would be used as fertiliser."

I saw Gabe flinch from the corner of my eye. "I'm sorry, was that too direct?" I asked, feeling a tad bit guilty. I knew how much he wanted to return to his girlfriend and his best friend. What was her name again? Penelope. Yeah, that was it. Gabe sighed. "Whenever you call my full name, I get shivers." He admitted.

I let him have a scoop of the rice, he munched on ur happily as though it was a delicacy. Hunger would do that sometimes. "Do you? Then I'll stick to Gab."

He smiled. "You...seem—" Gabe began but held his tongue. "Never mind, it can't be helped." Truly, I wanted to push further, to understand what was going on in that head of his, but I was far too drained. "But, Simon? I wish you happiness."

It came out of the blue, perhaps that was why my eyes widened like he'd revealed a secret to me. "I mean...if—when we win this battle,I hope you find someone...someone who'd love you. You know?"


I couldn't help but chuckle.

The only one I loved had to be sacrificed for me to be here.

Giving him a lazy smirk, I nodded my head. "And I wish you'd make up your mind on who to choose."

Gabe immediately became flustered. "W-what do you mean?" From the stories he told me, I was confused about where his heart really belonged. The more he spoke of his best friend — Penelope, the more I felt his heart yearned for her.

Shaking my head, I said nothing else.

"J-Just tell me, man—"

Before he could finish his words, a louder yell interjected. It was my second in command, and what he'd said struck fear in the heart of me and visibly- Gabe.

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