Chapter 5 - The First Mission

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(Song for this chapter -
Hurricane - MS MR)


If anything happens to her, I'll kill her myself. I've been in danger my whole life, I live and breathe it but I have never been this nervous on a mission.

We've been on the road for two hours. Gaz is driving with Price riding shotgun. And Soap and I are in the back either side of Reaper. Having her leg and hip pushed up against me is as close to actual torture as I'd ever want to feel again. Soap is taking up more room on purpose just to move her closer to me I'd stake my life on it. My shoulder is going numb but I don't want her to move so I've stayed dead still since we got into the jeep. She's warm, it's comforting and absolute hell at the same time.

I try and adjust my shoulder but like I knew she would she notices straight away. Her eyes move from the road ahead over to me. Dammit. She taps me on the leg as an apology, fuck. Then she slides forward in the middle seat so she's sitting half off and leans forward. Placing her left elbow on Soaps knee and her right on mine. Christ. The angle she's in causes the shape of her hips to be on display. The rest of her is lost under the tactical vest. Thank fuck. Anything else and I'd have to jump out and walk.

Soap and I both adjust our shoulders a bit more now that she's not squashed between us. He has the biggest grin on his face, dammit Johnny I told you to keep an eye on her not throw her at me. It wouldn't of mattered anyway, she's doing a first class job of pulling me in on her own.

I don't like the idea of her going up that tower alone, unprotected. But she is right, it's the best plan we have. We have to get in and out without them ever knowing we have been there otherwise it voids this whole mission. She's not going in the compound alone that's for sure, she tried to plea her case but Soap and I weren't having it.

I want to trust her, I really do. I wish I wasn't so fucked up and that my mind would allow it. She's really trying, I know she wants me to trust her, I am going the best I can. She took the first steps earlier today, taking her cap off, telling me about Caracas. Those aren't things you do for just anyone.

Caracas for christ sake. The things she must have done to survive. The horrible shit she would of had done to her. I can't think about it too much, it makes me beyond angry. Who the fuck let her go in there. But then there is this gnawing at the back of my mind. What if she just said that so I would drop my guard. She wouldn't she isn't that kind of person. She isn't? How would I know? Fuck. My mind is in a constant fight with itself.

But every time she looks at me with those eyes. The fighting stops and everything goes quiet. In those moments I would kill for her. I'd take down governments, annihilate cites, destroy anything that comes near her. But once her eyes leave me I'm right back to were I was. Having her close eases the fight but it's not the same.

"Should be able to see the radio tower soon, four klicks ahead at three o'clock." Price finally speaks from the front.

Reaper turns to look out, she places her hand on my leg and leans slightly over my lap towards the window. Fuck woman what are you doing to me. She's so close, I know I should be looking out at the tower but I can't help it. Even in the dark the green of her eyes keeps me fixated on her.

"How high is the tower?" She asks price.
"400 feet, the panel to connect the booster should be around the 320 mark."

"You okay with that?" I quietly ask her, she's inches from my face I don't have to speak loudly.
She slices her eyes to mine, looking with that soul piercing gaze she does. She's determined.
"I can do it." She confirms out loud.
"I'll have to climb the first 60 feet and the last 100 but there should be a maintenance ladder in the middle so that will save some time."
Dammit I can't look away, I'm hooked on every word she says. She releases her grip on me as she sits back in her spot between us.

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Where stories live. Discover now