Chapter 58 - Power Out

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(Songs for this chapter -
Above The Water - ART OF SLEEPING


It's been two weeks, there's no change with El. Sam says she's stable and slowly healing but it's going to take longer than she had hoped. I'm just happy she's alive, I don't care how long it takes.

I will never not hear her screaming and see her crying bloodied face when I close my eyes. They have been haunting me. I have never felt so helpless before, seeing her so afraid and in so much pain. It's some fucked up kind of suffering I never want to go through again.

Ghost is worried but trying to stay focused for his sake as well as mine and Reds, we are all thinking about her as much as no one says so. She is safe and away from here, that's really the best thing for her and us. We can focus on killing this son of a bitch.

"How you doing Soap?" Reds radios through.

"Almost done." I say from the top of the station.
We have changed to a more drastic measure. We're cutting power to the side of Caracas that the Suns are on, taking out their power should hopefully reveal which building is the one Sanchez is currently in.

Once they're back up generators kick in we are driving in and clearing that building to get to him, our intel says he hasn't moved from the city at all, not since he came for El and with good reason. He knows if he did we'd kill him.

"Ready." I say back, the charges carefully in place.

"Okay get back to the rendezvous point." Red's communicates.
I climb down the back of the building, Ghost has already armed his explosive and is waiting for me at the bottom.

"All set?" He asks.

"Good to go."

We jog silently back but there is nothing silent about Ghost right now. He has been silently screaming for blood for two weeks, his stance, his movements the way he speaks. Everything about him is restless and angry, he will obliterate Sanchez once we get to him. And we all want to help him do it. Reds and I more than anyone.

We get back to the others, then we all head up the hill to look out into Caracas, if MacGyver was right it will cut power to half the city. With any luck, we could use a lot this time.

"T-minus seven minutes." Price says looking at his watch.

We all lie against the hill in silence, its oddly calming. Bolt comes over and lays next to Ghost.

"Did El tell you she fell from a building once to save me?"

"Bolt!" Reds yells at him for bringing her up.

"It's alright. No she didn't what did you do that time?" Ghost replies to Reds and Bolt.

"Why does everyone assume i did something!?" he says back annoyed.

"Because you did." Hawks snaps back. The others chuckle.

"Anyway, my hook line broke and i started falling from a thirty story building, she released the tension on her line and free fell after me, caught me and then tighten back up. Pretty bad ass hey?" It's nice he's trying to make Ghost feel better.

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