Chapter 17 - Consequences

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(songs for this Chapter -
Fuel to fire - AGNES OBEL,
Hole in the Sky - JACK DOOR)


I can see the sun rising through the windows. That will make it exactly three days. Three days since i watched her leave. That look she had, no emotion, no pain, no nothing. Just darkness. We haven't heard a single thing from her.

Price is aware but he's been recovering, Reds hasn't spoken at all and I don't know what to feel. I am angry, frustrated, disappointed. Mad at myself for allowing her to cause all these feelings. I should of trusted my myself. The voice in my head telling me not to trust her but I didn't want to listen. We had such a strong connection, i already cared so much about her and always wanted her with me. I nearly showed her my face a few nights ago, I felt like I finally could. I'm relieved I didn't.

No one on base is claiming to know anything about where she went or what she's doing. But I have a feeling Megs knows something, I have been walking past the data room on purpose two or three times a day to keep an eye on her. If Reaper was to contact anyone it would be her. Reds is just as angry and hurt as I am, he tried to stop her but she tied him up so he's in the dark on this as well.

This has all been going through my head for three days, over and over again. But... I also have this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that I can't shake. It's telling me that i could be wrong, that she wouldn't hurt me like this, despite all the evidence. Despite everything my mind is thinking. I try to ignore it but that feeling hasn't left me.

Gaz looks so defeated, these last few days have been hard on everyone and he's trying his best to keep the place together. Everyone is trying to find out where Soap is, looking at intel, checking with contacts, listening to their radio channels and calls. But we've found nothing. Everyone is on edge and the place is so quiet you'd think that no one was here.

"Ghost you'll want to hear this." Gaz radios to me before he transmits the message through.

"Bravo site this is Atlas two-four, requesting permission to land."

"Atlas two-four to Bravo site do you copy? Requesting permission to land."

Could be Jeimi but I can't be sure.
"Let them land Gaz, Charlie team and I will secure."

"Roger." Gaz answers.

We are out on the landing pad, guns up and ready as the heli lands. Charlie team all start yelling commands into the heli the second it sets down. My heart is beating out of my chest, for too many reasons. Is she okay? Am I happy or angry to see her? Do I want to see her? Is she even on the heli?

She steps out with her arms up. Or what's left of her does. She's barely recognizable. Covered head to toe in blood and dirt. Bandages wrapped around her left leg, both her arms and her right hand. Her face is badly cut, bruised and her right eye is purple and a little swollen.

I wish it didn't, but seeing her like that feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest.
The other operators grab her straight away and cuff her hands behind her back.

"Take her to the holding room." Carter orders.
She still has that same emotionless stare in her eyes. She doesn't look up at me as she is escorted past. But my vision trails after her.

"Stop standing there looking useless and give me a hand!" Jeimi yells from behind me. I turn around to see her trying to get a half conscious Soap out of the helicopter.

Reaper went to rescue Johnny.

Soap is beat up, bruises and a few cuts but otherwise he's okay, Andrew's is checking him over now. Price, Reds, Gaz, Megs and myself are in the infirmary with him. Waiting to see how he is, waiting to get answers.

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