Chapter 55 - The Evac {Part 2}

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(Songs for this chapter -
Heavy In Your Arms - FLORENCE + THE MACHINE)


"Simon." I stutter out, grabbing him by the rope I've attached to the back of his vest. "Watch my back."

I have one arm wrapped around Johnny's leg, holding the sidearm ready, the other is  gripping the rope dragging Simon behind me. My legs can barely take the weight. We have to move so slowly so i can keep Johnny evenly displaced with every step. Then use all my strength to pull Simon behind us. Little by little we are moving.

I'm trying to keep to the side streets and stay off the main road despite it being an easier route. "We are ... getting there," I huff out, trying to keep the boys from spiraling in their own heads, we have a long way to go and i don't want them to break down in there.

I groan every time we change elevation, every step and slope is hard and just getting harder. My heart couldn't beat any more if I wanted it to and that alone is taxing on my body. My joints are strained holding all the weight, but if i put Johnny down i don't know that i'll be able to pick him back up again.

I scream in pain as one of my ankles buckles and my knee drops to the ground. "I'm okay." I huskily shout so they both can hear me. Trying to keep them calm when I'm in so much pain and they know it, is just as hard. I groan again moving back up onto my feet. I'm beginning to feel a little dizzy but i shake it away.

We turn down another street but it's a dead end, that's whats i was afraid of. I'll have to take us down the main street to get out.

I can do it, i can make it. I just keep telling myself as i drag us on. Being so close to the edge is an unbearable torture. If I break they will break, if I can't stay calm they won't, if I don't keep moving they don't. My body, mind and heart are carrying three souls right now. The pressure of that is  crushing me too.

I stop just before i take us out into the open of the main street. I pull out the Suns K.O syringe, like our adrenaline jabs, and hit myself with it.

"Simon ... you okay ... back there?" I ask knowing he can't answer, it's just to fill the space. "Johnny isn't ... much company ... up here." We move down the main street keeping to the side in between parked cars and the buildings.

My fingers feel a shiver up the back of Simon's neck, he can see someone. I spin around to shoot at two men coming up behind us. I got them but spun to quickly and I can feel Johnny slipping, i put my leg out to take the weight but misjudged the placement of my foot and the amount of weight i needed to secure.

My leg snaps.

The excruciating wail i let out as i hit the ground echos off the buildings. Anyone anywhere near us would of heard it. I crawl to Simon and Johnny and try to quickly pull them behind a car, waiting for the inevitable to come. Sure enough i see another two men coming towards us from in front of the car. I lay down and put my head slightly out past the font of the car tyre so i can shoot at them. Once I've got them i hear another set of steps and look around to see one coming from behind us. I shoot him just as he gets close to Simon, too close for comfort. He lands on Simon's foot. I drag myself over and push him off.

I keep my head on a swivel for a few more minutes, i think i got them all. I look over at Simon and Johnny awkwardly slumped against the side of a car. Both their eyes are on me in panic, i look down at my leg in a position it's not suppose to go into.

"Shit ... Shit!" I yell out through my tears that have started again. I try and stand but it's no use, i fall back down the second i put weight on that leg. My lower right leg is definitely broken.

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