Chapter 40 - Debrief

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(Songs for this chapter -
Bigger Than Me - GRETTA RAY
In Repair - JOHN MAYER)


Reds is on one side, Ghost on the other, they're walking me to the briefing room. I'm not completely immobile but they are both nervous and worried so i get it.

Price and Hawks asked if I would debrief everyone one and much to Ghost and Reds discontent I said yes. I'm am okay to talk about it, for the first time ever I don't feel anxious or embarrassed. Ghost and Reds are doing enough of both for me anyway.

I did ask that Megs not sit in and listen as I didn't want to upset her but Sam, the rest of Zeta and 141 are waiting for us. I can see Reds giving Price and Hawks an angry look.

"Promitesea." I yell at him, which is stop it and calm down.

He rolls his eyes and pulls out a chair for me. Ghost doesn't look to impressed either.

"You need to calm down as well, I'm am fine I promise." I say to him quietly as he helps me sit down.

"I'll try, no promises." He whispers winking at me.

"Thank you Reaper, I know you still aren't the best." Price says once everyone is ready. 

"It's fine sir, better to ask while I can remember everything clearly." Trying to make the boys see reason and calm down.


"Sorry sir." I cut him off.

"If I may, I'll fill in the blanks and we'll see what questions you have afterwards."

He looks over at me a little shocked, then to Ghost kneeling by my side. He's holding my hand under the table but it's more for him than me.

"By all means Reaper."

"Thank you sir. I went into La Luna as a singer. It allowed me to get closer to cartel members than I would of otherwise. They give all staff a serum they call Stand-in before they enter the club, it makes you light headed, memory recall harder, inability to focus on sounds or sights. The dancers are given some pills they call T's it makes them more," I pause trying to find a more delicate way of saying it. "Lustful so they will give the clientele a good show. From the club I was able to find out that Sanchez has 4 henchman under him. Tovar, Leon, Gil and Silva, you should have pictures of them all."

Price changes a few screens over to find them.

"Each one handles a different element of the cartel. Weapons, money, drugs and human trafficking. Sanchez and Leon very rarely leave Caracas but Tovar and Gill do. You've got the plans of the next two locations they will be at when are outside the city."

The more I talk the more I can feel everyone staring, looking at me like they can't believe I got all this. Did they think I went in on holiday?

"The weapons, bombs and human trafficking are all horrible issues but the real problem is the drugs. I was only able to get plans for 4 of the serums they are creating and selling, there is 8 all together. The plans I got are for Stand-in which you know about. The other 3 are Stone, K.O and Edge."

"Stone locks you in your own body, still fully conscious and able to feel pain but you cannot move. They use it for torture, breaks prisoners a lot faster. K.O is similar to our Adrenaline injection. Increasing heart rate, energy, blood flow and also increases your brain function but makes you more aggressive. Edge I was unable to use as I'm allergic to some ingredients but it makes you faster, stronger, slows down your bleed out time, they give it to soldiers to make them better fighters."

The 141s Reaper (Simon Ghost Riley Romance)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora