Chapter 7 - Reds

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Update: Hello my lovelies! In case anyone wants to listen I will be adding in the songs I think best go with each chapter. I will go back and update the chapters I have already published. Stay spicy!

(Songs for this chapter.
The future - SAN HOLO, the first half
Lovesick - BANKS, the second half)


"Reds!" Reaper yells as she runs to the man coming off the airlifter. Faster than i have ever seen her. He drops his bags and holds out his arms for her. The hair on the back on my neck stands up and my shoulders tense. Wish i could say it was because i don't trust the new guy but it's jealousy rearing it's ugly face. I can't help it.

She runs and jumps straight into his arms, he catches her and spins around with her once before putting her back down. They know each other very well, i hate it.

"Don't worry sir." Soap leans over to say. "She only has eyes for you."

I huff in frustration but say nothing. Dammit Johnny have you been talking to her about me.

Reaper picks up one of his bags and he picks up the other two as they start to walk towards us. 'Reds' as Reaper so loving yelled or whatever his name is, is playing with the cap she has on. Probably making fun of it because she takes if off and slaps his arm with it.

"Lieutenant. " Price says as he shakes his hand.

"Captain good to see you again." Reds replies.

"This is Sergeants Gaz and Soap and Lieutenant Ghost." Reaper introduces us to him. "Boys this is Lieutenant Aiden Salazar. Or Reds as we call him, he's another member of Zeta-seven." 

He's a little rough around the edges, messy short hair, slight stubble. Only slightly shorter than me. But he's still shorter, I have that over him.

"Pleasure to meet you fellas I've heard a lot about you." he nods at us.

"We'll debrief in an hour, i'm sure the team will get you settled." Price adds as he goes to leave.

"Wait sir this was for you, Sorry."  Reaper adds as she picks up the folder she dropped. "Its from Megs."

"Thank you." Price says before hes off in the direction of the command room with Gaz.

"Our bunk room is this way." Soap says taking point. Reaper loops her arm through Reds' and they walk after him as I begrudgingly follow behind.

"Our bunk room?" He whispers to her so quietly I almost don't hear. "You share with the boys?"

Reaper just waves her hand only slightly and puts it to her mouth, meaning be quiet about it. Why wouldn't she share with us? Well I guess being a part of her team he would probably know why she doesn't sleep much. I don't sleep much either and I've noticed she's up at random times. Showers late at night when everyone's asleep. It's similar to what I do, having the mask makes it hard to do everything at a normal hour. If I didn't know any better I'd think she was trying to run into me. She sleeps in the middle of the day when everyone is out. And she doesn't eat with the other operators same as I don't. Us both having masks and all.

"So who is this Megs I heard you mention before?" Reds is asking Reaper.

"Oh no, you are not to touch her I actually like this woman." Reaper protests.

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