Chapter 62 - Megs

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Ask and you shall receive ❤️❤️❤️

(Songs for this chapter -
Dumb Shit - JAKE HAYS
Lost Stars - ADAM LEVINE


I have avoided her for two days, i should never of let it get that far. She just pushes all the right buttons and i couldn't help it. She doesn't like me like that and even if she did it would just end in disaster, nothing in this life ends happily. That's what those romance books are for.

And what the fuck is Soap going to say, Jesus christ he's out there risking his life and i'm here kissing his girl. I know things aren't great between them right now but that's no excuse. I'll explain that it was all me when they get back, Megs did nothing wrong, i kept flirting and encroaching on her.

I'm staring at the jug waiting for it to boil, maybe it has already boiled. I press the button again, hearing the jug heat up faster than it should. Yeah I've already done this.

"You know you've boiled that jug of water three times now." I snap my head around and see her in the doorway.

How is she so beautiful without even trying, I keep picturing her long legs wrapped around my waist. Her hands up in my hair, her sexy lips on mine. Stop it Aiden you idiot, she's just going to leave you.

"I'm just tired is all." I say back dismissively.

"Are we going to talk about what happened between us?" Shit the way she says us just hurts my heart.

"I got carried away and shouldn't have put you in that position, I'm sorry." I couldn't of said that faster if I tired.

"That may work on the rest of Zeta but not on me." I look up at her a little shocked but impressed, i sometimes forget that she's so smart and not easily fooled.

"Soap and I aren't together Reds." She says walking closer to me.

"Even so." I say looking back down at the jug, i am a little relived at that but i still shouldn't of kissed her liked that. like I've wanted to since she first smiled at me, like I think about her all the time, like I'd rather cut off my own arm than see her cry again. She felt all of that when I kissed her I know she did.

It's why she's here.

"How's your book?" I say as she gets closer, stopping her from saying whatever she was going to say. She stands next to me, I don't move my gaze, I'd just want to kiss her again if I do.

"Daisy is being a real pain in the ass right now." Her tone has my attention now, i look up at her, she's not happy.

"How so?" I snap back.

"She refuses to let Derrick in even though she likes him a lot. She's scared of getting hurt."

"Well maybe she has a point."

"About what!?" She says more annoyed crossing her arms.

"Maybe Derrick is going to get sick of her, bored with her after a while, he might die leaving her alone. Or just go straight back to Soap once she's had her fun with the 'bad boy'!" I shout back at her. She slaps me across the face and walks out.

I could of dodged it but that would of just made her more angry and I don't want that, I don't want any of this but it's how things have to be. We'll just break each others hearts, or she'll just break mine.


I haven't seen her since yesterday, even though i went looking, she wasn't with El or Trekkie, i tried her room several times but she wasn't there either. It's late now and she wasn't on the comms level she has to be in her room. I'm standing out the front of her door, working up the courage to knock but i hear her, crying. God i can't handle women crying, especially her. I back away from the door but hear a small thump followed by a loud one.

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