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A loud boom thundered in Sophie's ears, and the next thing she knew, she was falling. Though, before she could splat, she levitated, and lowered herself to the ground. She didn't even wait until her feet had touched the ground before she started crying. She was alone. So. Very. Alone.

She'd been alone from the moment she'd been born. It had always been that way. Even when Fitz had found her, she'd been alone. Even when she'd run off to join the Black Swan, she'd been alone. Her friends had never been her friends, but accomplices, just waiting to drop her. Sophie held tight to her backpack, squeezing all the pain and sadness she felt, into the bag.

Fitz, Biana, Dex, Keefe, Tam, Linh, Marella, the Ruewens, and even Jensi. They'd always had her back. Ever since the beginning. And now, they were gone. All of the many friends she'd made. Gone. She'd never see them again. Not Keefe's ridiculously cute smirk, nor Fitz's model smile. Not even Dex's dimples. She'd never hear them, not Fitz's perfectly accented voice, Keefe's jokes, or Biana's slightly annoying fashion critiques. Those were things she'd taken for granted, and things, that if she ever saw them again, she'd never take for granted again.

Heks, she even missed Stina. The way her nose upturned when she was irritated, or her sneer as she made one of her infamous rude retorts. Everything. Everyone. It was all gone. And she'd never get it back.

Knowing these things, Sophie closed her eyes, ready for sleep to whisk her away. Away from the loneliness. Away from the hurt. Away from her messy, lonely, life. Even right there on the side of the road, she'd sleep. Because the pain hurt too much. The longing hurt too much. Sophie Foster was homesick, and homeless.



"What's she doing?"

"She's sleeping outside, you idiot!"

"Well, how am I supposed to know that?"

"Because she's laying right there!"

Sophie's eyes fluttered, and with a groan, she turned over to her side. A dark sky greeted her. Sunrise, she thought. Maybe around 6 a.m.

"She's waking up--"

"Shut up, Idiot!"

"Stop calling me 'idiot'. It's mean."

"I'm mean."

Sophie's eyes opened, adjusting to the light before her vision cleared, and she found four people standing above her.

"Gaah!" Sophie sat up, the grogginess leaving her in an instant.

"Is she awa--"

"Stop being an idiot, Rajni!"

"Are you watching me sleep?!" Sophie asked, eyes darting from each person.

"Was watching you sleep," a boy said with a lopsided smile. "You're awake now. So now, we're just watching you." Sophie scowled at him, her photographic memory recording every detail-- from his auburn, messy hair to his cobalt blue eyes.

"Don't be an idiot, Ko," another girl snapped, her straight hair falling just past her shoulders, her eyes cold, and sharp, with a chilling blue-grey color.

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