Chapter One- 22

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"Moving..." Sophie's mind took longer than usual to process the information. What purpose could they have for moving? She wasn't complaining, of course. Sophie was in no condition to protect her friends from the Neverseen, and she didn't feel like telling them she was the reason they were in danger. They'd leave her, too. So, she wasn't arguing. 

However, Kenna was a different story. Arms crossed and eyes sharp, she sent glares in Evander's direction. Koen and Rajni didn't seem too upset with the idea from Sophie's point of view, but they were still pouting about the lack of food in Sophie's hands. 

"Someone thought it was a bright idea to sign us all up for a job without our knowledge," Kenna growled. 

Sophie eyed Evander, the tension in the room smothering Sophie past the point of comfort. "What kind of job?" Kenna sent her a glare for the question, though Sophie didn't bother care; her curiosity stronger than her fear of the girl. 

"Live entertainment," Koen announced, grinning. "It's perfect! We'll still get to play, but this time we won't have to worry about cops or how much money we get, 'cuz it'll be consistent!"

"You say this like the decision's been made," Sophie pointed out, internally counting the minutes in her head. How had all of this occurred in the span of an hour? Actually, Sophie corrected, Evander had been gone longer than that. It made enough sense, though Kenna still seemed hesitant. 

"It hasn't," Kenna snapped at the same time Evander said, "It has." 

...Maybe "hesitant" was too weak of a word. Try stubborn? Before the two could argue further, Rajni settled things by forcing both Evander and Kenna to apologize, followed by having them hold hands as they talked about their feelings. While Evander went along with it happily, Kenna grumbled throughout the entire thing. 

"He says he'll provide free food, clothing, and electricity. As well as let us borrow one of his six houses for as long as we work for him. There are a few conditions, but those shouldn't matter considering how much he's already offering---"

"Sounds shady to me," Kenna murmured. "Who's 'he'?"

"The guy says he's  Anwir Col---"

"Sounds like a liar to me." 

"Kenna!" Rajni frowned. "You can't judge someone by their name! I mean, 'Kenna's' a pretty weird name, but I don't call you anything bad."

Sophie couldn't deny she would've laughed, had Kenna's face not been red with anger. It was the innocence of Rajni's tone that made it all the more amusing. Even as the boys laughed, she remained clueless to what she'd just told Kenna. 

"I hate you all."

"Language! And you also haven't apologized for the kazoo." 

Kenna ignored Rajni, turning to the boys and Sophie. "So, you decided to trust and follow some random guy from off the street, believing he'll give us one of his six houses, AND pay for our electricity, food, and clothing?" 

"As I said," Evander reminded. "Anwir has some conditions and rules he's set, but otherwise yes." 

Sophie could understand Kenna's suspicion. One: in what world was someone rich enough to own six houses? Two: they also have enough to pay their electric bill times six? Not to mention the money it'd cost to pay for five people's clothing and food. Who was this dude? 

Evander dismissed them to pack, and while walking, Sophie spent her time listening to Kenna breathing curses out free from Rajni's hearing range. 

Entering the girls' room, Iggy greeted them.

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