Baby Rats Attack Nevada-15

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"You're getting so good."

Sophie would've rolled her eyes, were she not so focused on getting the song right. For the past two months, she'd worked day and night with Evander to improve her guitar skills. He'd even skipped out on performing with the other Renegades, just to help Sophie. And she wouldn't deny it, she was improving quickly. Even so, each compliment Evander gave her made her heart flutter in ways it hadn't in so long. 

A stray note brought Sophie back to reality, and she sighed. "I'll never get this." 

"Never say never," Evander teased, and Sophie felt a smile poking through. Forcing it back, she feigned annoyance. 

"That's a stupid phrase."

"I'm a stupid guy." Evander smirked as Sophie shoved him. 

"I hate you," she laughed. 

"You love me, don't even try to deny it." 

Sophie nearly choked on air, though quickly played it off as nothing and smiled. "You keep dreaming." 

Evander shrugged, though his expression turned serious as he met her eyes again. "Seriously, though, you're getting really good, really fast. I'm genuinely impressed, and I can't wait to see you play your first song. You've got a future in this, Sophie." 

"My first... song," Sophie repeated, cramming the words into her mind. She couldn't picture it. Since forever, her goal had been to fit in and not draw attention. To voluntarily stand before a crowd and expose herself in the form of rhyming words? No. Sophie would never. The most she'd ever do, would be playing guitar behind the rest of the Renegades, basically invisible. 

"Hey, you two." Kenna's voice interrupted Sophie's thoughts. "Downstairs, now. Sophie should come to the corner, this time." 

Evander's eyes lit up. "That's a great idea. Sophie can see how we do things---and no, last time was an accident so it didn't count."

Before Sophie could argue, Evander had snatched her hand and followed Kenna to the first floor. There, Koen and Rajni were already waiting. Noticeably, everyone except Sophie and Evander were dressed up. Rajni wore a white top with black sleeves, and a pink, heart outline in the center to match her frilly, pink skirt and black shoes. Koen had styled a black and white flannel over a white hoodie, and patchy jeans. It looked hot. It wasn't a bad outfit, but Sophie was referring to the hot, sweaty type of hot. Meanwhile, Kenna sported a simple, black tank top and baggy green pants, complete with a choker of a similar green color. 

"Get changed, E," Koen said. "We leave in five minutes." 

Evander released Sophie, running back upstairs and onto the second floor. Koen flashed Sophie a smile. "You won't need to get dressed up, but only this once, Sophie. In just a couple weeks, you'll be out there with the rest of us." 

Just. A few. Weeks. Within less than a month, Sophie would be out on the streets, performing alongside the rest of the Renegades. She wasn't sure what to do with that information. Celebrate? Disappear? What did it mean to "dress up"? It wouldn't mean frills or uncomfortable clothing, would it? While Sophie wasn't even to be performing that day, she could feel the stage fright getting to her. 

"Don't worry," Rajni said, binding herself to Sophie's side so the two elephants could reunite. Apparently, they were magnetic. And that made it all the more precious. "You'll be fine. And anyway, for today, you can stick with me. I don't perform, either. The only instrument I've mastered is the kazoo, but Ken pretends that it's not even an instrument so I can't play it in our shows."

Kenna pinched the bridge of her nose. "That's because it isn't an instrument! It's a toy!"

Rajni pouted, spinning on her heels to face the other way. Kenna instantly sighed. "Rajni, not again. It's stupid---"

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