fluff //8

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Keefe was starting to hate Elysia. Well, he'd hated her from the moment Bronte had brought her in, but with every second they spent together, his hatred only grew. Her warm, heroic act was getting old-- fast. With every time Sophie's name was brought up, she'd act all sympathetic and promising her arrest. He wanted to barf. 

"Keep an eye out," Elysia instructed. "Blondie might have missed something." 

"I'm Keefe," Keefe growled, slamming Sophie's nightstand drawer shut with passion. She'd taken to calling him "Blondie"-- a name that should only come from Ro's mouth, and be used for Sophie. 

"Whatever, Blondie." She shot him a teasing smile, standing across the room and digging through Sophie's bookshelves. Both Biana and Fitz were digging through Sophie's old chests, while Marella skimmed through the closet, not even trying to search for anything. Obviously, she was only in this for the information. Just like he was. Only, he was doing a better job masking it.

"There's nothing in the closet," Biana grumbled, but looking back to the clothes, she added, "Except for clothes, that is." Keefe sighed. They'd been searching her room for two- going on three hours and not a single thing had been of suspicion. 

"This is suspicious," Elysia mumbled to herself. Keefe did a double take. 

"What? We've literally found nothing!"

"Exactly," Elysia said, eyes lighting up. "This is a setup. She knew we'd search her room, and took all evidence of the murder!" 

Marella roared. "Are you serious!? I thought we were looking for clues to find her!"

"We are," Elysia said, rolling her eyes in Marella's direction. "But I know some of you have your doubts about Sophie being a murderer." Keefe flinched at the name, and Fitz shot him a look. Elysia continued, "I thought it'd be best to find physical proof it was her. Y'know, so you guys don't have to worry your pretty little heads," Eyes darting to Marella, she added, "and, whatever that is." 

Marella's palms were engulfed in flames of fury, ready to punch Elysia off that high horse. Keefe very much wanted to do the same, but managed to control himself. Elysia was suspicious, not just of Sophie, but of him as well. She knew, and if she told anyone, the council especially, the entire reason for him being here in the first place meant nothing. He needed that classified intel. The updates. The news. He had to find Sophie, before the council did. 

"Marella," Fitz snapped. "Don't you dare attack her." Marella put out her flames, shoving her fists into her pockets before turning back to the closet. 

"There's nothing here. I'm going home." 

"You are not going home," Elysia said. "You're here under my orders, and none of you leave until I say so." 


"I found so much!" Rajni cheered, holding up her arms, which contained five full bags on each side. Kenna rolled her eyes, gesturing to the seven bags per arm.

"You call that a lot? I guess it makes sense, considering you can't count past thirty."

Rajni flushed pink, sealing her lips and looking away to readjust the bags on her arms. Kenna wore a proud smirk and offered to take some bags.

Sophie smiled, readjusting her own load. Often times, she found herself wondering if her and Amy would have such fights, had she never left. She wondered a lot about what things might be like, in general, should she have never left. Sophie had tried not to think about it, as it often led to thoughts of moving to the Lost Cities, meeting Fitz, Biana, Dex, and--

"Race you!"

Kenna pushed past Sophie, bolting for the apartment as it came in to view.

"Wait! Don't leave me! Ken!" Rajni scrambled to catch her sister, barely catching herself as she tripped in the process.

Shaking all negative thoughts from her mind, Sophie followed. While she hadn't spent every day of who-knows-how-long running from the cops, she'd spent equal time running for her life and training with Sandor. Soon enough, she'd beaten both Rajni and Kenna to the apartment, and she made sure to wear the smuggest smile of all.

"Seriously," Kenna heaved. "How are you so fast?"

"Being on the brink of death daily will do that to you."

Kenna straightening, arms above her head as her face pulled into the most amusing expression of disbelief and confusion. Sophie said nothing more, leaving Kenna to wonder whether she were kidding or not. Meanwhile, Rajni finally met them, though in a breathless, sweaty mess.

"I made it!" Rajni beamed. "I won!"

"You did," Kenna agreed. "Nice job."

Rajni's smile grew, her celestial blue eyes sparkling under the morning sunlight. Sophie laughed, Rajni's joy so pure and innocent it was contagious. Kenna fought off her own giggle, taking the rest of Rajni's bag.

"C'mon, let's get these inside before anyone sees us."

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