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Fitz was angry, Biana was confused, Dex was in denial, and the Song twins were a mix of them all. But Keefe... Keefe was lost. So, so lost. He'd seen it happen. He'd watched her do it. Right. Before. Him. She was guilty; there was no doubt about it. They had the DNA to prove it, and witnesses right alongside that. 

Sophie had pleaded innocent. She'd promised him. And... he'd wanted to believe her. So. Badly. Except, he couldn't. He just couldn't be sure. Ever since the night of the murder, his Empathy had been acting wonky, and anytime he was around Sophie, his abilities just... shut down. She had to have done something to him. But why? Never before had she shown signs of being a crazed murderer. So, what changed? Was she angry? Angry enough to kill Forkle? No. That couldn't be it. Could it?

Questions and theories crowded Keefe's mind, to the point where he'd started sedating himself to get sleep. He rarely left his room anymore, and spent most his days scribbling in his notebook. He couldn't believe he'd fallen for her. A murderer

A knock at the door interrupted Keefe, and after hiding his notebook full of Sophie sketches under his mattress, he tiptoed around the mess to open the door. 

"Third time this week," he grumbled as he pulled the door open. 

"Mr. Sencen," Councillor Emery greeted with a curt nod, stepping into the room. His face contorted with disgust as he mapped his way around the clutter that was the floor.

"You should be used to it by now," Keefe said, flopping back onto his bed. "What d'you want?" His words were slurred as he spoke, speaking halfway into his pillow. Emery cleared his throat, and another voice whined. 

"I am not going in there!" 

Keefe rolled his eyes as Emery went to drag Councillor Alina into the crowded room. 

"Now, what d'you want?" 

"I thought you would've cleaned for us this time!" Alina scolded. 

"Sorry, Mom," he said, grinning at how extra insulting it was. 

"Do not compare me to that- that monster!" 

Emery sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Mr. Sencen, we're here becau--"

"You want to talk to me about Foster?" Keefe guessed. "Again?" He shot a glance towards the councillors, eyes narrowing as he said, "She didn't do it." 

Keefe huffed, turning away from the councillor. Uncertainty clouded his mind, but even if all the odds were against her, he'd ensure Sophie wasn't arrested, whether he had to take her from the Lost Cities himself to get away from the council. Because, despite it all, they were friends. And maybe at one point, Keefe might've wished more. But not anymore. Not until he was sure what had really happened. Until then, he'd shove all feelings he'd once had for her, aside. 

"So you've said," Councillor Emery frowned, watching as Alina smoothed her cape across her lap. She muttered something about not wanting it to touch the "filthy furniture". 

"That's not why we're here," Councillor Alina groaned. "Get to the point." 

"You're not here to talk about Foster?" Keefe raised a suspicious eyebrow towards the councillors. What else could there be to talk about? 

"We are," Emery corrected. "But we're not questioning you about your involvement thi--"

"You aren't?" 

"No," Emery said. "Now, would you like to listen or do you want to interrupt me some more?" 

Keefe nodded.

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