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Speeding down the streets, Sophie ducked under people, squeezed past families, and continued on until eventually, she felt far enough that she could slow into a walk. Once her heart had stopped racing, she took a moment to look around. A Starbucks to her left, a CVS to her right, and across the street, a bearded man with a guitar played a cheerful tune. She smiled. He was really good, and if she'd had the money, she would've offered it to him.

Which reminded her, she still needed money; elven jewels wouldn't last long. She also needed a place to stay. And something for food. As she continued to walk, another guitarist sounded in the distance. The music was strange, being a sad song-- turned angry. Intrigued, she followed the sound to a small band of four playing on the corner of a street. A crowd had gathered, and Sophie squeezed her way through, curious to meet the makers of the music. People were cheering, some singing along, while others tossed money into the open guitar case.

As she reached the front, her breath escaped her lips and her smile returned. They were the siblings she'd met earlier that morning. Kenna, with the guitar; Evander played second guitar, singing; and Koen worked the drums; while Rajni... Sophie's brow furrowed. While the trio played, Rajni snaked her way through the crowd. Pickpocketing, Sophie realized.

She swiped watches from wrists, wallets from pockets, and she even stole whole purses from women's hands. It was obvious they'd been doing this for a while. They were awesome, not only with the music, but so stealthy and skilled with the stealing. They deserved every penny they stole.

Sophie shook her head as she caught herself. What was she thinking? She wasn't a criminal-- a framed one, maybe. But she'd never actually break the law. She pondered for a moment. Would she, though? She was homeless, alone, and lost.

The music screeched to a halt and within seconds, and Sophie's attention snapped back to the siblings. The crowd thinned back into society, and as more left, she saw it was now only the scrambling siblings and herself. The crowd had offically dispersed, now, and Sophie finally understood what was going on. Police. And they were after the siblings.

She watched as Kenna swung her guitar over her shoulder, Rajni packing the loot into it's case while the boys grabbed the rest.

"What're you doing?" Kenna snapped, noticing Sophie and pulling her back into reality. Sophie blinked.

"Huh?" She yelped as Kenna snatched her arm, dragging her out of the streets.

"You're gonna get us caught!"

"What?" Sophie asked, taking a moment to match Kenna's pace.

"Run!" Kenna scolded, dragging Sophie down the street while the siblings trailed behind, jumping and ducking through the streets to avoid families and passerby's, avoiding every single one of them. They were masters at escape, she thought.

"Where are we going?" she cried, attempted to pull out of Kenna's grip. Her grip tightened, telling Sophie she would not be allowed to leave.

"Somewhere that's not here!" Kenna called back, answering Sophie's question.

As they continued to accelerate, faster than any normal human should be able, a shock tickled Sophie's fingertips, excitement twitching inside them. She knew this feeling, all to well.

"Uh, Kenna?" she called over the wind. "Can we slow down?"

"What?" Kenna said with a teasing grin. "Newbie can't keep up?"

Sophie frowned. She'd put up with the prickly attitude. She'd put up with being dragged along. But she would not tolerate being underestimated. Narrowing her eyes, Sophie focused, pushing her mind to send more energy into her legs. Her lips curled into a smug grin as she surpassed Kenna, who's face was a priceless mix of shock and... thrill.

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