Star City-5

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Every part of Sophie ached, and no amount of twisting and turning would solve it. Being a new member of the Renegades, which Koen explained was the name of their "family", she didn't have a true sleeping area like everyone else. Though, the dirty, old mattresses Rajni and Ken used weren't much of an upgrade.

After spending what little money they had at Wendy's, wanting to celebrate Sophie's arrival, the group had given her a tour of their home, which turned out to be a small apartment, supposedly abandoned for years, so it wasn't much of a tour. Boys slept one second floor, girls on third. the first was for everything except sleeping, Evander had told her.

Now, she lay on the cold concrete floor, listening silently to the steady breaths of Kenna, and Rajni's snoring, who had offered to share a mattress. Sophie had politely declined.

A soft chill tickled her spine, sending goosebumps up her arms. She shivered, really regretting not packing those fluffy pajamas of hers. She regretted not packing a lot of stuff, especially considering how she'd probably never see the light of elven day again. Her eyes opened, quickly adjusting to the dim moonlight that seeped through the curtains from behind another building that blocked the view. Another breeze came in, convincing Sophie to go investigate. Why was it so cold?

Upon approaching the window and pulling back the curtains, she discovered the window had been left open. Had Kenna known? Whether it was intentional or not, Sophie thought, it was cold. And surely it hurt to sleep in this temperature for all of them? She pushed down on the window, urging it to slam back into the sill. However, it seemed to be rusted shut. She pushed harder, but still, even with her channeling it didn't work. Until she used telekinesis. With the help of her invisible hands army, the window slammed shut.

Sophie gave her reflection a smug smile, taking a moment to admire herself-- something that she rarely did nowadays. With the pressure of the Neverseen, the council, and taking up the role as "moonlark", worrying about looks was the last of the last on her never ending list. Now, having all of that stripped away from her, she was free to do as she pleased, go where she wanted, do what she wanted. And now, as a Renegade, she was no longer had to worry about the council and their tribunals.

No longer the moonlark, she realized with a hint of sadness. No more "Mysterious Ms. F", "Lady Fos-boss", or... she swallowed. Or "Foster". Those names were no longer her, and now, she was simply: Sophie Foster, a Renegade. Tears threatened her eyes, but she forced them back, refusing to cry on her first night as a Renegade. Koen, Rajni, and Evander had already embraced her as one of them, but Kenna had yet to trust Sophie. She needed to prove useful, or risk losing this family... Another family, gone.

She forced the thoughts away, willing her eyes not to cry. No. This was a chance... A door creaked open, drawing Sophie back from her thoughts. Turning, she found.... "Evander?" she asked, brows crunched in surprise. What was he doing up there?

He froze, his eyes lingering on Sophie a second too long before he gave her a goofy grin. "I... didn't know you were awake. Sorry." Shaking her head, she smiled.

"What are you doing up here?"

His eyes darted from Sophie, to the window, and back to Sophie. "I was going to visit the roof. Usually, the girls are asleep at this time so I can sneak past them easily."

"Even with that door?" she asked, referring to the loud screech the door had made when opened. He chuckled.

"I'm sure they could sleep through an apocalypse." Both shared amused smiles for a moment, before Sophie looked back to the window she'd just shut.

"I'm sorry, was this your way to the roof? I got cold so..." She lowered her head, cursing herself for not thinking to use temperature regulation sooner. If she had-- "Don't worry about it," Evander said, flashing a smile-- reminding her too much of Fitz in that moment. "That window, we could never get shut, and it was the worst. Rajni's constantly complaining about how cold it is."

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