Waiting- 26

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A chilly breeze passed through the area, and Sophie pulled her purple jacket closer. October... Just three more months until December, and she was nowhere near close to figuring out how to help Kenna rescue her mother from Exile. It was important that she get started on the rough drafts of planning soon, for time was moving forward way faster than it felt to Sophie. She'd snuck into Exile before, twice. Once was with Alden, and Sophie quickly forced the painful memories away as they came flooding into her mind. The second time was when she'd forced her way in with the rest of the Black Swan. Both times had ended poorly, and Sophie wasn't so keen to know she'd have to return yet again.

"Are you all right?" Kenna placed a hand on Sophie's shoulder, startling her from her thoughts. "You look pale." 

Pulling her dazed eyes from the practically empty streets outside a music store, she looked at Kenna. "Oh, I'm fine; I was just thinking." 

Kenna leaned closer, nose to nose with Sophie as she asked, "About?" 

Sophie inched away from Kenna's face, eyes wide as she stumbled over her own feet. The movement made it difficult to maintain a painless expression, her hand retreating to her side, squeezing tightly to distract from the pain. 

Once she could breath normally again, she looked over to the other Renegades---checking to make sure they weren't able to eavesdrop as she told Kenna, "I'm trying to figure out how we'll get into Exile---and out---without risking everyone's safety." She put a hand to her chin as she thought some more. "It's definitely not gonna be a two-man job, but I'd prefer it that way. The only entrance is really far away, and even if we travelled that far, we'd have to deal with their defenses. Chances are, the whole operation will end with lots of injuries and if we're not careful: death."

Kenna blinked. "Really?" 

Sophie's rambling ceased as she faced Kenna. "Of course. I mean, it is the Council, so what would you expect? Actually, dying might actually be better than whatever the Council has in store for---"

"I didn't mean it like that," Kenna said, her smile growing warm. "What I meant... no, what I should've said was... 'thank you'."

"Thank me once I've actually done something," Sophie said. "Until it's actually happened, we can't be sure things will actually work out. And the Council can always chase us down afterward so even then we won't be safe. Maybe it'd be best not to thank me at all..." 

She'd lost herself in her thoughts again, and Kenna laughed. "Fine, but that's still not what I meant." 

"Really?" Sophie frowned. "Then what do you mean?" 

Kenna flushed pink, looking away and down the street as she admitted, "I guess I'm just grateful to you for worrying about my mom. I'd given up on the idea of ever seeing her again, like, years ago. But you changed things, and now..." She turned away from Sophie as her cheeks grew warmer. "...I feel like I can hope again. 

Sophie was speechless. She was sure, that were she an Empath, a flurry of warm emotions would be smothering her heart right then. Sophie was sure of this, even despite Kenna's attempt to hide her face. 

"Thanks for saying that," Sophie said, pulling her coat tighter once again. "I know you're not the type to be so forward with your thoughts, so that really means a lot. And you know what? That just settles it! Even if it costs me my life, I will make sure you see your mother again!" She curled her freezing fingers into a fist, and her smile grew. "I promise." 

Kenna shook her head. "Wait... what? Are you insane? How in the world did you get 'I'd die for your mom' from my 'thank you'? If it means you risk death, don't do it. I care about my mom but if it costs you your life to save her when we're not even sure if she's still in Exile, then there's no way we're doing that!"

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