chapter 6

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Autumn woke up with a loud banging on her door. She jolted awake and ran toward the sound. "Atty," she heard Millie's panicky voice.

She hurriedly fumbled with the lock and opened the door. "Atty," Millie fell into Autumn's arms. The 20 year-old clutched the 6-year-old in her arms. Her eyes were red, and her cheek had a handprint on it. The dark-haired little girl wept, continuously holding Autumn. She looked terrified. Autumn's mind turned into mush. Who would hurt a little girl?

"Millie?" she pulled the girl out of her hug and wiped her tears, "what happened?" she asked, rubbing her little cheek.

"Elli...... Elli......" she struggled to form words, she stuttered.

"Elliot is here. He is hurting mommy," Elliot Thames is Samantha's ex. The man was an abuser. Autumn tried persuading Samantha to file a restraining order against him, but she wouldn't listen, stating he works for big shots and might hurt her.

"Millie, stay here and lock the door. Open the door only for me, okay?" she tapped the little girl's cheeks. "Go to my room and stay there," like a bomb, she ran out the door in her PJs.

She hurriedly climbed up the stairs to Samantha's apartment. "Sam," she banged on the door, worried that Elliot was doing unreversible damage to the poor girl.

"Sam," she banged on it louder, but there was no noise from the inside, "Elliot," this time she called the abuser.

"Elliot, open the door. If not, I swear to God, I will call the police," she screamed for the neighbors to hear. Everyone heard what was happening in Sam and Elliot's house, but nobody dared to step out and help. Autumn was scared to death too, but she couldn't just sit back and watch her neighbor getting beaten black and blue.

"El...." Before she could bang on the door, the door opened with a thud. There stood Elliot Thames with Samantha behind, scared with a black eye, busted lip, and a cut on her forehead.  While Autumn was busy taking in Samantha's appearance, Elliot was eyeing Autumn and licked his lips. The girl didn't believe she was pretty or that boys would take a liking to her. So, the gazes she received from the opposite sex always appeared friendly to her. In a rush, she forgot to put on her robe.

"Ah, my little peach," he raised his hand to touch Autumn, but the girl stepped aside, avoiding his touch.

"What are you doing here?" she folded her hands and questioned Elliot straight.

"Feisty," Elliot smirked, and Autumn cringed. The girl was an embodiment of light but with much naiveté. Autumn did not usually meddle in anyone's business, the girl was someone who knew her boundaries with other people. The trauma she underwent in the past made her a timid girl. She often put on a brave front, but inside, she knew she was terrified of the world and the monsters that lurked in the shadows. Despite all of it, she never lost hope in humanity. This is why she always kept to herself and helped people.

Though she hated attention, her kind heart and stunning smile dragged people toward her. She was pleasant and caring. She always tried to make sure that other people were well and happy. She was considerate and thought about other people's wishes, not just her own, and many people had taken advantage of her in the past. Rowena always reminded her of this, but she never listened to her. Perhaps, losses teach you to be kind to everyone around you.

And all of these traits are what landed her in this situation today, standing before this 6 feet and almost 200-pound man. Elliot looked younger for his age. The man could be hitting his 40s, but he looked like a man in his late 20s.

"Leave, Autumn," Samantha was holding a packet of frozen peas against her forehead.

"Sam," she took a step toward her, but Elliot blocked her view.

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