Chapter 51

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He didn't wait for a second. He dragged me through the walls and the corridor. I knew what he wanted. I knew he would have his way with me. I wish I could stop him. I wish I could end this, but I cannot. My thoughts halted when he opened the door and pushed me into a decorated suite. Liam always surprised me, he had a lot of power and money, but instead of using it for something good, he used it to cage and torture me.

He closed the door and cornered me into the wall. "It is our first night, baby," he looked at me like I was his drug and salvation. "We can have fun, you know," he pecked my cheek, and I fisted my dress. I am his wife now, "Wife" that word feels so foreign to me. I graduated from captive to his wife.

The word "wife" hung in the air like a heavy cloud, a label that branded me as his possession. The title felt like a cruel joke, a sick twist of fate that I could never escape.

I felt like a puppet in his hands, forced to play a role I never wanted. The realization that I was now legally bound to this monster made my skin crawl. I knew what he wanted from me, and the thought sent a wave of nausea through me.

In this gilded cage, there was no escape, no respite from his cruel games. I was at his mercy, and he reveled in his power over me. I could only hope to survive this night, to endure whatever torment he had planned.

"You know my mother wanted to meet you," the words shocked me. I hadn't had much interaction with her. But if he chose to tell her about me, she must've been really special to him. "She loves you already," another wave of shock hit me. "My mother is the only person in my life I trust, April. And when you meet her, I expect you to behave," he dragged his lips from my ear to my neck. I don't care. He can go to hell. But what if his mother is someone sweet? What if she helps me escape? But will she betray her son? But she is a woman, isn't she?

"So beautiful," he mumbled. I kept quiet. I shouldn't have trusted this monster, to begin with.

"Now, let us make this night eventful, hmm." He bit me on my chest, and I shrieked.

"I don't want this, Liam, please," I don't know why I beg him, knowing he won't listen to me very well.

He stopped. For the first time, he stopped. He let me go. Moving back, he undid his jacket and discarded his tie. Rolling his sleeveless, he gazed into my blurry eyes. Blinking my eyes, I cleared my tears. He looked so handsome, like a demon. It is true what they say, evil is the most seductive, and the devil is the prettiest of them all. But his beauty failed to impress me because I know what kind of a monster hides under the hide.

"We can do this two ways, April. The easiest way in which you will spend a painless night with me, and the second, the forced way. Although, I prefer the second. You know I enjoy taking things forcefully," he grabbed me by my neck and pulled me to him.

"Oh, how much I want to fuck you in a wedding dress," he undid the zipper, kissing all the way down the trail to my spine. He discarded the top portion. Since the dress had no undergarments, I was bare to him.

He removed my hairpin, and the hair fell onto my shoulders. Clutching my jaw, he turned me around. His lips met mine, and he plunged his tongue into my mouth. Slurping the saliva, he picked me up, and we both fell on the bed. He didn't let up. His tongue fucked my mouth. After an agonizing minute, unwillingly, he pulled back.

"You taste so good," I didn't hear when he undid his pants. With one push, he entered me whole. I shuddered. It was consuming. Maybe this is how it feels when the devil tortures the soul in the underworld. His eyes shone with pleasure. Only I cannot tell if the pleasure he derived is from being inside me or eating my soul away. Either way, he won again.

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