Chapter 41

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Zyler got ready and stepped down into the kitchen. Carly was preparing breakfast, "Where is Autumn?" he asked when she dropped the coffee pot again. She kneeled to pick up the pot.

"She got a call and stepped outside to take it," she picked up the broken pieces. Zyler knowing very well what spooked her, smirked and left the spot, searching for his beautiful girl and to see what had captured her attention.

He noticed she loved that balcony, "Autumn?" he called for her. But there was no voice. "Autumn?" He called for her again.

His gaze roved over the balcony and found her in the corner. He didn't know what happened, but she was shaking. She shut her eyes tight and closed them, trying to shut off whatever she was hiding from. "Autumn?" He called for her in a tone that surprised him.

His footsteps approached Autumn; his eyes filled with concern as he saw her trembling form. He reached out for her without a word, but she was rattled like a water heater. He could tell she was desperately holding onto her last thread of sanity.

"Autumn," he called, but she couldn't hear it, for she was busy fighting the voices in her head. She couldn't differentiate what was what.

"I will be with you, Atty. Run."

"No, I don't want to," he heard her mumble. "No, No. It wasn't my fault," he heard her yell again while shaking her head continuously. "Where is April?" her mother's voice, "you are the reason she is gone. You let her go. You left her there. You left her to die.

"No, I didn't, I didn't," she sobbed. He heard her shake and breathe.

Years of hardened experiences and a lifetime in the ruthless underworld had taught Zyler to shield himself from such displays of weakness, but he wanted to protect her from the darkness surrounding them. He had witnessed countless scenes of violence and chaos, yet her fragile state affected him the most.

"Autumn," he tried to touch her but stopped as he wasn't sure if she would be okay with it. He let her go for a minute, but she pushed him and ran for the railing before he could understand. It didn't take him long to react. He did and ran after her, and before she could even reach for it, he got to her.

Autumn's mind spun with chaos, the weight of her inner turmoil threatening to consume her. The voices in her head grew louder, their relentless whispers echoing through her every thought as she tried to reach for the railing. She teetered on the edge in that moment of overwhelming despair, ready to succumb to the darkness that beckoned.

But just as she reached the railing, a strong hand grasped her waist, pulling her back from the precipice. Startled, she was lifted into the air, her back pressed against the unforgiving railing. The sudden impact jolted her senses, momentarily snapping her out of the swirling abyss within and her suicidal rage.

Her gaze met Zyler's intense eyes, his grip firm yet strangely comforting. It was as if his touch had momentarily silenced the chaos within her, grounding her to the present moment. A flicker of something unfamiliar danced in his eyes, a mixture of concern and determination.

"Let me go, let me fucking go," she barked, trying to break free from his hold. Her tears touched his cheek.

"Shh, baby girl. Breathe," he spoke in a low, soothing tone, his voice carrying an underlying intensity. "Relax, Autumn," but she didn't. She was thrashing in his arms.

"Breathe with me. In... and out. Focus on my voice. You're safe now." he coaxed, but she wasn't having any of it.

Autumn's breaths came in ragged gasps, her panic threatening to overwhelm her. She struggled against the weight of her fear, feeling the conflicting emotions of both anger and frustration. She didn't want to be touched. She didn't want to be controlled. Her life was in someone else's control, and so was her death. Why can't he just let her die? She is too young to feel all this. Girls her age should be focused on careers, life, and hopes, but there she is, drowning in despair.

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