Chapter 25

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"What do you mean by that?" She couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. He didn't answer, not that he didn't want to, but he decided to show her what he meant and mean it while performing the act. After all, sensory details are unforgettable.

"Let me go," why would she keep asking him that when she knew he wasn't going to listen to her?

As Autumn approached the castle, a sense of unease crept up on her, intensifying with every step she took. The walls towered high above her, their jagged edges and twisted architecture creating an ominous silhouette against the night sky. The walls were adorned with startling red stained-glass windows, casting eerie shadows across the ground. Despite its fearsome appearance, the castle had a certain majestic quality that commanded Autumn's attention. The moon's pale glow cast an otherworldly light upon the castle, illuminating its sinister features and causing Autumn's skin to prickle with a sense of foreboding.

"What a fitting place to taste you," Zyler murmured, his voice laced with a twisted hunger. He looked around the eerie castle, taking in the haunting red stained glass and jagged walls. "Here, in the heart of darkness, where the shadows dance and the spirits moan. Here, where your fear will only make your taste sweeter." A chill ran through Autumn's body as she realized the true depths of Zyler's depravity.

"Why would you torture me like this?" she began to hiccup.

Zyler's lips curled into a wicked smile as he leaned closer to Autumn. His voice was several octaves deeper than she had heard. He was dying of arousal. "Pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin," he pulled her closer, so close there was no space for air to enter. "And I intend to show you both," he whispered. "You'll beg me for more, and I'll make you feel things you never knew existed. Trust me, darling, the darkness within me will set you free," he rubbed her tears off her place.

"I don't want to feel anything, Sir. I don't even know what your intentions are. Please just forgive me for whatever I did intentionally or unintentionally," she didn't know how else to make that man let her go. He released her from his grasp and moved back. She thought he did listen to her after all. For a moment, a brief moment, she thought her pleadings worked. Maybe he took pity on her and will let her go. How naïve can she be?

"Do me a favor. Take off your clothes for me," he uncuffed his cuff buttons and rolled his shirt to his elbows, revealing his veiny hands. Autumn's eyes dilated in shock. Instinctively her arms went to close her torn shirt, bringing both ends together, covering her body. She shook her head while Zyler raised his brow, challenging her to defy him.

Chuckling, he curled his fingers around the back of his jeans and pulled out his gun. Autumn's heart raced as fear took over. Her body trembled, and she felt a knot form in her stomach at the sight of the gun. She could feel her pulse pounding in her temples as she struggled to keep her composure.

"Don't kill me, please," she pleaded.

"Now, Autumn, take that shirt off," he motioned to her with his gun.

"No," she knew she was asking for death, but she still refused to give in and listen to this depraved human.

That was it. His little dahlia was pissing him off now. "You won't listen to me then?" he cocked his brow, telling her she should. Autumn did not respond. Zyler wrapped his finger, tightening it around the trigger. The gunshot echoed throughout the castle, the explosion of sound bouncing off the stone walls and rattling the windows. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and the sound of the bullet whistling through the air. For a moment, all was silent as the echoes faded, leaving only the ringing in Autumn's ears.

With trembling hands, she undid her top. Leaving her only in her jeans and bra. "I want these off, too," he hooked the gun's tip in the band of her pants. "Now," the atmosphere only added to her fear.

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