Chapter 64

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Liam's frustration and anguish reached a breaking point. With a resounding thud, he slammed his head and fist against the unforgiving wall. The impact echoed through the room, a physical manifestation of his torment and regret, leaving behind a painful reminder of the girl he had lost.

Liam's fury pushed him to grab his phone and hastily dial his assistant's number. "I need to know what Zyler has been up to recently. Get me that information right now."

In a matter of moments, Liam's assistant rushed into his cabin, a mixture of concern and horror etched across his face. He offered a paper towel to Liam, silently urging him to wipe away the blood that now stained the floor, all while fearing for his boss' well-being.

Liam paid no attention to the man. "You do what I tell you to do. What happens to me is none of your concern." He was punishing himself for the things he did to April. The blood on his body was spilling was no match for what he had made April's heart spill over the years. He should be punished, and he will be once he has her back safely. And then she will never shed a tear.

Ruben stuttered. "Is this why I am paying you? To lie around and do nothing? You have nothing on that bastard?" Liam grabbed Ruben by his collar. "You are useless, Ruben, and I have no use paying you."

"Sir," Ruben placed his hands over Liam's hands. "He has been up to many things lately." Liam's presence was suffocating Ruben. He couldn't answer, not with death hovering over his face. Liam let Ruben go. Snatching his keys from the table, he walked out of his office faster than lightning. "I will deal with his bastard myself." He hopped in the car.

Zyler had just entered his cabin and was looking at some of his projects when his office door banged open, and Liam barged in.

Zyler impassively threw his cigarette butt in the trash can. "Who the fuck let you enter the building? Stray dogs stay outside." He didn't even look at Liam. He was collecting his papers from the desk when Laim stalked closer.

"Get out," he was about to walk past Liam when Liam grabbed Zyler by the collar and punched him. Zyler, who didn't expect Liam to be this bold, stumbled back but prevented himself from falling by holding the table's edge. It took him a moment to compose and understand what just happened, and when he did, his eyes spilled blood and venom from them. Liam didn't give a chance for him to rile back from the surprise.

"You sadistic bastard," Liam seethed.

He couldn't believe that this man had taken his life and wife. He pushed Zyler to the ground and jumped on him. As quick as Zyler's refluxes were, he was surprised by Liam's bold attempt to show up at his office.

Zyler's cabin erupted into chaos as Liam pounced on him. The two men grappled fiercely, their breaths ragged with anger and adrenaline. Papers scattered like confetti as they crashed into shelves and furniture.

Liam's fists rained down on Zyler's face, each blow fueled by years of pent-up rage and betrayal. "You (Punch) took (punch) her (punch) from (punch) men (punch, punch, punch). Zyler's head throbbed with pain, but he refused to go down without a fight. With a surge of strength, he managed to push Liam off him, sending his attacker tumbling across the room.

"I will kill her," he screamed at the top of his lungs. "Maybe I will send her body to you as a gift." Zyler's spit flew in all directions.

Gasping for breath, Zyler stumbled to his feet, his vision blurred by the blood trickling from his nose. Liam wasted no time and lunged at him again, but this time, Zyler was prepared. He sidestepped Liam's attack and countered with a powerful kick to Liam's abdomen, sending him crashing into a bookshelf.

Books and debris rained down on Liam as he struggled to get up. Zyler, his body aching but determined, advanced on his adversary. He grabbed a heavy glass paperweight from his desk and swung it at Liam's head. Liam blocked the blow with his forearm, but the impact sent him reeling.

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