Chapter 75

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She glanced around the room. There was a desk and two chairs as if it was set up for questioning. A sharp clink of metal chains pierced the air, jolting Autumn back to reality. Eric had a firm grip on Zyler's arm as he led him into the room. Despite the chains that bound him, Zyler entered the room with an aura of unwavering strength. His posture was resolute, his gaze piercing, and there was an undeniable sense of power about him that defied his physical restraints. Autumn couldn't help but be struck by his inner resilience, and she realized that, even in captivity, Zyler remained unbroken.

As he walked into the room, his eyes met Autumn's, and there was a flicker of something unreadable in his gaze. It was a silent acknowledgment that he was not a man to be underestimated, even in his current predicament. Autumn felt a mixture of shame, regret, and a deep admiration for his strength in adversity.

Eric unlocked the chains, and they fell to the floor with a thud. Autumn gestured to Eric that she wanted to be alone. Although Eric looked worried, Autumn knew that Zyler wouldn't harm her, so she nodded to let Eric go. Eric gave them both one last glance before exiting the room and locking the door behind him.

As Eric left the room, a heavy silence filled the air, punctuated only by his footsteps receding in the distance. Autumn and Zyler were left alone with their tumultuous emotions.

Suddenly, Zyler closed the gap between them. The man's intense gaze bore into Autumn's as he brought his lips down upon hers with a force that made her hit the glass panel. He began kissing her with a mix of anger and pain, expressing the sense of betrayal he had experienced. Each press of his lips conveyed the weight of his wounded heart as if he was trying to express the depth of his hurt through their intensity.

Autumn was overwhelmed with a complex mix of emotions. She felt regret and guilt for the choices she had made that had caused Zyler so much suffering. However, beneath it all, there was an undeniable longing, a yearning to bridge the distance that had grown between them, and a love that still burned. She found herself responding to Zyler's kiss with a mixture of passion and hesitation, torn between the desire to make things right and the fear of causing more pain.

In that charged moment, their kisses carried the echoes of a complicated history, a whirlwind of emotions that flowed between them as they struggled with the turbulent feelings that threatened to engulf them both. Each movement was fraught with meaning, each touch infused with a sense of urgency as they grappled with the complex web of emotions that bound them together. Despite the pain and hurt between them, they both knew that they could not ignore the undeniable chemistry between them.

After a long minute, he reluctantly pulled away, leaving a thick strand of saliva connecting their lips. Zyler savored the sweet taste of Autumn's mouth on his lips. The air in the room was thick with their labored breathing, each inhaling and exhaling echoing off the walls. Autumn's heart raced in her chest, the thumping so loud she could barely hear anything else. With a trembling hand, she placed it on his chest, feeling the rise and fall with each breath. She knew she had to ask him to step back, to give her some space before the tightness in her chest became unbearable.

Zyler stepped back. He wanted to know why she was there or did what she did.

"Is Eric your guardian angel now?" Zyler's words dripped with bitterness and resentment as he questioned Autumn's actions. He walked back to the other side of the desk and settled into the chair, his gaze fixed on her with a mix of anger and hurt. The tension in the room was palpable, and the question hung in the air, demanding an answer.

"He does answer to you like an obedient dog," Zyler remarked, his tone laced with biting sarcasm. He crossed his legs and sat lazily in the chair as if he owned the place. Autumn felt his gaze on her, and it made her feel as if she was standing naked before him.

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