Chapter 62

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She turned around, picking up Peaches, turning around. She sighed, not knowing whether to thank him or not. She took a step in his direction when someone else's voice caught her ear. "Atty," a happy voice caught her ears. Autumn knew whose voice it was, "Rowena," she whispered.

"Oh my god, Atty," Rowena rushed down the steps, eager to see Atty. She lost her footing and slipped, sliding all the way down to the bottom.

Autumn ran toward Rowena, helping her stand up. "You, okay?"

Rowena didn't care that she had fallen. She jumped up, dusted herself off, and hugged Autumn tight, crushing her and Peaches. Peaches got excited and started jumping between Autumn and Rowena, licking their faces. Rowena didn't let Autumn go, even though Autumn was jokingly gasping for air and trying to wiggle out of her hold. "I need air, Ro."

"You have had it for this long. Now let me hug you," Rowena patted Autumn's hair. She had missed Autumn so much. When she received an offer overseas out of the blue, she was skeptical of it, but when she checked the employee list, she found that her friend was working there, and without another thought, she signed it. When she was picked up in the jet with the dog, she wasn't sure why, but now everything made sense.

They were so engrossed in each other that they didn't notice Zyler standing there. He cleared his throat to get their attention. Autumn pulled back, and Rowena, for the first time since she had arrived, laid her eyes on Zyler. Her jaw dropped in surprise.

She drew Autumn in closer, her voice a hushed whisper in her ear. "What in the world is Zyler Stone doing here?"

Autumn didn't exhibit any surprise. She was aware of Zyler's notoriety, though the extent of it remained uncertain. "Have you heard of him?" Autumn inquired as she walked towards the car, her baby cradled in her arms.

Rowena stared at Autumn, her expression one of incredulity. "Heard of him? Zyler is an incredibly famous figure, Atty. He's renowned and obscenely wealthy." Rowena closed her eyes momentarily, taking a deep breath. "Is he the person you've been working for all this time?"

Autumn nodded, and she could tell Rowena was thinking about something. "Why are you here? More importantly, why am I here?" Rowena wasn't naïve. Zyler wasn't an ordinary man to hire Autumn without proper qualifications. Rowena's gaze danced between Zyler and Autumn. His intense stare at Autumn resembled a cheetah eyeing its prey, making Rowena's thoughts race.

A million thoughts ran in Rowena's head. What was the reason that she was brought there in a private jet? No employer cares about his employees to this extent.

"We should leave," he uttered as soon as the trio reached the car. Autumn was about to sit with Rowena in her car when Zyler cleared his throat as a warning. Autumn turned to her friend, "I have a meeting with some investors we need to attend, Ro. I will join you later," she hugged her friend again, but Rowena narrowed her eyes at Zyler, shooting him a look of anger mixed with warning, but Zyler only smirked in return.

"Bye, Atty," she waved goodbye and sat in her car. Autumn returned to Zyler, and he opened the door for her.

"Sit," he commanded, and she did as asked. The car kicked into motion as soon as he rounded and sat inside.

"Am I not going to get a thanks?"

Autumn knew this conversation would come up. She didn't want to thank him. Why should she? He was the one that separated her from her life, and now he gave it back to her. She fixed her stare on his tapping shoes instead. Unaware of all the tension, Peaches lay his head on her neck, happily napping.

"For?" she feigned innocence.

Zyler chucked. "You are turning into an actor, baby," he laced his hand around her waist, pulling her close to his body. Her curvy body nestled into his side while his left arm caged her.

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