Chapter 39

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Zyler seethed with rage, his arm gushing crimson droplets that splattered into his whiskey glass, staining it a deep shade of red. The once lively club fell into an eerie silence as everyone's eyes fixed on the menacing figure before them. With a swift and deliberate motion, he reached for a bucket of ice cubes, their coldness starkly contrasting with the fiery intensity that radiated from him.

Without hesitation, he upended the bucket over his head, the ice cubes clattering and melting against his skin. At that moment, he stood there like a vengeful deity, a chilling aura surrounding him as the blood mixed with the icy water, an embodiment of his unleashed wrath. The clubgoers held their breath, a collective shiver running down their spines, as they witnessed the terrifying spectacle unfold.

"What did you do to my son?" a voice boomed. Romano was boiling in rage and pain. He knew it was Zyler. Elliot and Gabriel stood behind him, wanting to avenge Nick's death. "I know you did something to my son. Please tell me what you did to him," Romano lunged toward Zyler, but Elliot and Gabriel stopped him.

Zyler scoffed. "Perhaps you should go around and ask the fathers of those women your son kidnapped," he didn't even raise his eyes to look at Romano.

"He was just a baby," Romano dropped onto his knees, begging to know where his body was at least. Zyler involved himself in everything illegal, but the one thing he didn't involve himself is in the skin trade. He despised it, and Nick trying to use his business under his nose for the very purpose he despised fueled his rage for Nick. He had to act, and he did. He didn't care about the girls or their families. All he did was eliminate one threat from his clan.

"Everybody must pay the price, Romano. Did I kill your son? That is the answer you will never know," he got up and threw the whiskey glass at the bullseye shattering it. He was bloody, but his steps didn't falter. They were steady and with precision. "Next time, think before snatching stuff from my radar. The price might be heavier," he walked out of the club, lighting a cigarette.

"Please give his body to me," he heard Romano sob behind him. He leaned on his car, smoking.

"Zyler," Cole stopped next to his boss. "You okay?" He asked, seemingly unfazed by Zyler's bloodied head, his attention focused on his blood.

"You are worried about this?" Zyler pointed to his head and the blood in his car, not caring to wipe his blood off.

"Well, had to ask," Cole started his car. "I am going home," he announced.

"We can trace those coordinates tomorrow," Zyler blinked his eyes, clearing the drops of blood in his eyes. Cole nodded, disappearing into the night.

Zyler took a minute to survey his surroundings and reached home. The house was already dark and calm. Unbuttoning his jacket, he threw it in the living room. Walking by the kitchen, he took his shoes off.

He wanted to watch her sleep, even in the dark. All he needed was to hear her breathe, and it would calm his chaotic heart. She was very pissed and angry when he dropped her off. He hoped she was still mad at him so he could punish her. He opened the door and stepped in. Like every day, he wasn't enveloped in her breathtaking scent. The loss of her scent made him irritable. He saw a figure asleep on the bed.

He noticed Autumn often had the habit of turning all lights off. She hated that even a little bit of light irritated her. He was about to turn on the light, but he decided not to as he wanted to surprise her. The way she squeaked when he caught her off-guard got him off. He wanted that again, and like an alligator stalking its prey, with a need in his body, he slowly walked and sat next to her bed.

Her blanket was pulled up to her chest, and he couldn't help but chuckle at her attempt to shield herself. Suppressing a mischievous grin, he licked his lips in anticipation. Gently, he covered her mouth with his hand, expecting to hear her startled squeal. However, much to his surprise, he heard a muffled sound of protest.

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