Chapter 74

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Autumn pulled up, trying to get up, but she couldn't. There was no strength in her being. She didn't know this would hurt her as much as it hurt him.

"You should go, Ro," she managed to say, her voice trembling with the weight of her emotions. Drawing a shaky breath, she continued, "I just... I need some time alone." Autumn wiped away the tears that blurred her vision, her heart aching with the intensity of her emotions.

"Atty," Rowena moved closer, her concern evident in her eyes as she reached out, wanting to comfort Autumn. However, Autumn pulled away gently, not wanting the physical touch.

"Promise me you won't be sitting here all alone?" Rowena's voice held a tone of genuine worry and care. She may not have understood what transpired between Autumn and Zyler, but she recognized the profound pain in her best friend's eyes. Rowena had no intention of prying into Autumn's wounds; she just wanted to support her however she could.

Autumn made her way to their bedroom, where everything had seemed perfectly normal only that morning before she had betrayed him. She sat on the bed, her gaze fixed on nothing. Her emotions swirled within her like a turbulent storm, a chaotic blend of anger, sadness, pity, and pain crashing into her simultaneously. The weight of her actions bore down on her, and at that moment, the room felt suffocating with the weight of her regrets.


Zyler remained seated within the van, his legs firmly restrained by heavy chains anchored to the vehicle's floor. His hands were tightly bound together, his knuckles interlocked, as if he were attempting to find some form of solace amid his captivity. His eyes remained closed. Eric sat beside him, smug and content that he finally got Zyler.

"You look stunning in those chains, Mr. Stone," Eric taunted, his tone thick with sarcasm as he couldn't help but mockingly emphasize Zyler's predicament. "How does it feel to be on the other end of the gun, huh? Does it give you a thrill?" He took a deliberate drag from his cigarette, blowing out the smoke in a dismissive manner. "I, for one, am positively ecstatic about it." Eric's words were saturated with disdain, relishing every moment of Zyler's vulnerability.

Zyler maintained a stoic posture, his demeanor unwavering. Even though he found himself bound in chains, he still exuded an air of quiet authority, as if he were the undisputed king of the jungle. Despite the mockery and taunts, there was no hint of anger in his expression, only a deep well of sadness.

He could have easily broken free from those shackles if he had wanted to; there was no doubt about his physical prowess. Yet, he remained strangely passive, as if he had chosen to submit willingly to his current circumstances. Zyler couldn't quite explain it himself, but there was a sense of restraint in his actions.

His silence was his own form of power, a testament to his self-control and an acknowledgment that, for reasons known only to him, he had chosen not to resist Eric's actions. Even in his chains, Zyler's strength and resilience were undeniable, leaving an enigmatic aura around him that defied easy comprehension.

Eric's voice dripped with venom as he continued to taunt Zyler, his disdain for him unmistakable. "I will shift you to the main prison tonight," he declared, a cruel smirk on his lips. "You're going to adore it there. The inmates have been eagerly anticipating your arrival. Those gangs you dismantled, the lives you shattered – they're all looking forward to settling their scores with you."

Eric's words were laced with a deep-rooted hatred, his hate for Zyler evident in every syllable. "You'll be begging for death," he sneered, the sarcasm in his tone cutting like a knife as he reveled in the thought of Zyler's impending torment.

A wicked, knowing smile graced Zyler's face, even with his eyes closed. He let out a chilling, deep laugh that reverberated through the confines of the van, laughter that held an unsettling power. The kind of laughter sent shivers down the spines of those who heard it, a stark reminder that even in his chains, Zyler retained a sense of dark and formidable control.

Zyler's eyes snapped open, and when he turned to Eric, they blazed with an intensity that seemed to shoot forth fiery daggers. His expression shifted, becoming sinister, as if he were a predator biding his time, ready to strike. The cold, unwavering gaze he fixed upon Eric sent a clear message - he might be bound, but the darkness within him was far from tamed. Eric gulped, and Zyler's gaze latched onto Eric's throat movement.

"A demon remains a demon, whether bound or set free," Zyler uttered with chilling authority. His voice dripped with venom, each word a promise of unspeakable horrors. "Bring them all. Send me hordes of them, and I shall return their severed heads to you on silver platters."

With that ominous proclamation, Zyler turned away, sinking back into his meditative state with an eerie calmness. The sinister aura surrounding him intensified, casting a pall of darkness that left Eric trembling. A bead of sweat trickled down Eric's hairline, its path winding to his ear. The rest of the journey was filled with fear, both for the driver of the van and Eric.


Autumn rose from her seat, a heavy resolve settling within her. She knew there was no avoiding this confrontation; she had to face Zyler and explain her actions. Gathering her strength, she cleaned herself up, preparing for the difficult conversation ahead.

Afterward, with determination, she picked up the phone and called Eric to confirm Zyler's location. As she listened to the grim details, her heart weighed heavy with the task ahead. Before leaving, she leaned over to gently kiss her sleeping baby peaches, a bittersweet moment of tenderness amidst the impending storm.

Stepping out of her home, she entered the waiting car, knowing that this journey would be anything but easy. The driver took her towards the prison, each passing mile bringing her closer to the inevitable confrontation.

As Autumn exited the car, her heart pounded like a drum in a dark symphony. The sight before her was intimidating and surreal – a battalion of imposing guards, their bulging muscles and stern expressions leaving an indelible impression of authority. They surrounded the prison, their presence exuding an aura of unyielding vigilance.

The towering white walls of the prison seemed to stretch endlessly into the sky, like an impossible fortress of despair. Their towering height sent a shiver down Autumn's spine, a stark reminder of the isolation and confinement that awaited within. The stark whiteness, in contrast to the world outside, only accentuated the cold, unforgiving nature of the place.

Autumn couldn't help but wonder why the walls were so high as if they were meant to keep something far more sinister than just prisoners at bay. The prison loomed before her like an ominous specter.

As Autumn entered the prison, she was met with the ominous atmosphere that permeated every corner of the facility. Surrendering her phone, she felt a growing sense of vulnerability. As she began navigating the imposing prison environment, Eric appeared by her side.

The guards rapped loudly on the cell doors, ordering the inmates to be silent. However, it only increased the perverse attention she was drawing. Men, their eyes filled with lustful intent, whistled and jeered at her as she walked through the dimly lit corridors.

Autumn instinctively lowered her head, trying to shield herself from the lewd advances of the prisoners. Yet, the crude catcalls and gestures persisted, a barrage of depravity that invaded her senses. She turned her head to look at them, and the sight that met her eyes was a disturbing tableau of men kissing and pointing suggestively to their crotches.

At that moment, she felt like an angel walking among demons, a fragile figure in a world where darkness lurked in every corner, waiting to prey on her innocence. The prison had revealed to her the depths of human depravity, a stark reminder of the evil in the world.

Eric motioned for Autumn to halt, and she obeyed, coming to a stop. On the cold prison floor, Zyler sat with his eyes closed, an image of solitude and introspection. Autumn's heart ached as she beheld him in this vulnerable state, a mixture of emotions swirling within her.

Eric tapped lightly on the cell door, but Zyler offered no response. He leaned close to Autumn, his voice hushed, "I will bring him to the room. You go and wait in there." With a nod, Autumn complied, opening the door and stepping into the dimly lit room, leaving behind the harsh reality of the prison corridor for the impending confrontation with the man she needed to explain herself to.

Happy New year my lovely people. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I will be sticking to updating every week. See you next thursday. Thank you all from Zyler and Autumn.

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