Chapter 31

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Zyler reached his mansion and threw his jacket on the floor. The sun was already setting, and he was fuming on the inside. Carly sensed the tense atmosphere and gulped. "Get me a glass of wine and call Autumn," he spat out. Carly inwardly sighed. She had a feeling that this wasn't going to end well.

Praying for that girl, she climbed the steps and knocked on the door. She knocked once, twice, but there was no response. "Atty?" she called.

"Yeah," Autumn's congested voice came from the inside.

"Can I come in?" Carly juggled the doorknob, trying to open the door.

"Just a minute," Autumn wiped her tears and dragged the dresser out of the way. She opened the door to see a nervous Carly standing at the entrance.

"Are you okay?" the older woman stepped in, and Autumn nodded, telling her that she was fine.

"He is calling you," Carly didn't waste time. She knew how irritated Zyler would get if things weren't done the minute he wanted them to be done. Autumn's breath bated, and she gulped.

"Why?" She didn't want to see Zyler after knowing the truth.

"I don't know, Atty. He wants to see you. And I wouldn't make him wait," saying this, Carly walked out of the room. Autumn stood there contemplating whether to see him or not. She knew she could not put this off. She must face him sometime. Better now than later. Wiping her palms on her jeans, she told herself she was stronger than this and that she could face him. She hoped that some miracle would save her. The living room, which seemed like a long walk earlier, didn't seem far now.

"He is in his study," she guided the girl to the room. She knocked on the door and asked Autumn to step in, and she did.

In a couple of steps, she reached him. She saw his back and his arms spread. He was facing the window. He was twirling his wine glass and rhythmically tapping his shoe. She didn't want to go further, so she stood rooted in her spot, but the silence was short-lived, "come closer, Ms. Wraith," his professional tone shocked her. How did he know she was there?

"Are you going to move, or should I drag you here?" He took a sip of his wine. Autumn listened to him and rounded the sofa. She stood before him. Avoiding his eyes, she looked down at her feet. Zyler didn't move or lift his head. He kept sipping his wine. A few more minutes passed, and her head was aching, so she raised her eyes to see him already staring at her with an unreadable expression.

"You all can leave to your quarters, Ms. Benson," he informed Carly while looking at Autumn. Somehow this increased the girl's fear 10-fold. Autumn turned her head and looked at Carly. The girl gave a pitiful look and left.

Autumn's breath got uneven. She wanted to run for the hills. Zyler patted his thigh for her to come. She heard him patting his thigh again; her eyes moved to the wine glass beside him this time. She kept her eyes trailing on the bottle and began walking toward him. He emptied the entire bottle, but his eyes didn't look drunk. If anything, they looked more focused.

He didn't let her walk to him, he pulled her into his lap, and she landed on his dick. Zyler's desires rose to their peaks. His warm breath touched her neck, giving birth to goosebumps, only she wasn't excited. She was scared. "Put your hands on the desk," he commanded.

"Why?" she whispered.

Yanked her hair back, he breathed in her ear, "You will do as I say," he tightened his hold. "Don't you fucking ask questions," with his left hand, he raised her top and rested his hand on her stomach.

"One more word out of that sexy mouth. I will put it to good use," he knew she wouldn't know what he meant, but it felt good saying that. Nodding, she rested her hands on the desk. He pressed on to her stomach and pulled her more into him. Her ass got stuffed onto his dick. She could feel that muscle tapping her ass. This was the first time she had ever felt a dick that was that close to her body. It wasn't a good feeling to have. It felt scandalous and terrifying. Her brave front collapsed, and she began to sweat. A drop slid into her cleavage. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

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