6. Counselling

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I followed Mrs. Park inside the cabin as she gestured me to take a seat. As politely as I can, I sat down in front of her, keeping my bag on the lap. 

She smiled at me she asked me to get comfortable as she set up her things. We talked a bit about daily stuffs and about old times together before starting the main session. 

"Let's start with the basics. So, how are you Y/N? " Aunt Mina asked scanning my medical report. "Fine as I can be" I answered with a joyous tone. Aunt chuckled at my response. I think she likes this carefree attitude of mine. 

"I heard you have weird dreams, how's it going now? " She questioned further. Yeah! I have weird dreams and I hate talking about them. I mean they'll eventually think It's a joke so why ask? 

"Getting worse to be honest" I replied with at most sincerity.
"Did you have weird dreams lately?" She asked staring into my eyes. 
"Yes, I did have" I said averting my gaze from her. She's just too serious. Aunt took down the notes while I looked around. 

"Would you like to describe this dream?" She asked as I nodded. " Sure why not!" I exclaimed.

"The dreams which I see is almost connected to one another" I stated. She hummed and asked me to continue. "Recently, I mean yesterday I had one those weird dreams again. I was standing in the middle of forest, and it was quiet dark, the rain was heavily pouring and then I heard a howl. Just then a grey wolf jumped over me..."I said dozily. 

"And then the scene suddenly changed where I was standing in front of a cliff and a black wolf in front of me bleeding and the ground was covered in blood. so nauseous" I finished with a shiver remembering the bloody dream. 

"Every dream you describe have wolves in it" aunt commented. Yeah, of course it has to be a wolf! Maybe because I am obsessed with wolves. "Yeah" I replied absent-minded while Aunt seemed to be in her own world.

"Y/N are you taking you medicines properly?" She asked seriously as I nodded. Of course, I am taking the stupid medication every day on time because my father was strict on me about that until he died. 

"That's good, take it on time and forget about these dreams. Don't think about it much. It's just normal dreams. Nothing to worry about" she said firmly as I nodded. Nothing to worry about? Seriously? I really doubt that sentence. 

"I beg your pardon. I didn't catch what you said" aunt spoke. Opps It seems i mumbled my thoughts out loud. I smiled. "Nothing Aunt. I was just saying that...: I trailed as I stood up. I walked backward leaning against the wall as Aunt looked at me weirdly. I held the door knob and slowly twisted it. I swiftly opened the door.

Just then Jimin fell down with a loud thud as Jungkook fell on him. Both of them groaned in pain because of the harsh impact of the floor as I smirked in victory. 

"That Kook and Min was spying on us the whole time" I completed my sentence with cheeky grin plastered on my face. 

"Ya! You big bunny get off me!!" Jimin yelled desperately in pain.
"Ugh! I'll get up" Jungkook quickly stood up as he dusted his pants Jimin following his actions. I looked at them with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Mind explaining?" the loud voice of Mrs. Park echoed in the cabin as both the idiots snapped their heads to Aunt, who looked scary as heck. 

"Aunt. I swear it was Jimin's plan to eavesdrop. It wasn't me" Jungkook defended himself hurriedly. 

"Traitor "Jimin muttered loud enough for me to hear. I giggled slightly only to receive glares from my two besties.
"Jimin!! You brat. Why do you always cause trouble for me? "Aunt yelled as Jimin lowered his head. "Aunt it's okay. They were just curious" I spoke up for them feeling pity. 

"Y/N you're being soft on them. It's true they are your best friends, but these brats need to learn a lesson" Aunt said glaring at the boys.

"Mom we were worried for Y/N" Jimin spoke whining as I chuckled. What a great excuse!
"Yeah they were just looking after me. It's okay Aunt. I'll handle them" I said pushing Jimin and Jungkook out of the room. 

"But-" Before she could complete, I yelled a Bye and shut the door close. Jimin and Jungkook caught my hand as we dashed away from that side quickly. Finally, we stopped running as I panted clutching on my bag strap. I looked at them glancing at me. As soon as we made eye contact, we laughed out loud. 

I smacked their head as they stopped laughing looking at me pouting. "What was that for? Jimin asked. "What else? for eavesdropping on my private conversation" I spoke up. "I am sorry Y/N we were just worried for you" Jungkook spoke as I smiled. 

"You know what I am really fine guys" I said reassuring them that everything is alright. "Y/N you don't need to act all tough. If you want to cry you can. We are here for you." Jungkook said . Wow! That was bit touching. I smiled genuinely nodding my head. 

"Now what? You guys bunked classes!" I stated as they smiled cheekily. 
"We always do!" Jimin answered loftily as I sighed. Do they think its something to be proud off ?

"Taehyung's gonna be mad again" Jungkook informed faking a laugh. "He's always mad" Jimin sighed thinking about the future.

"Let's go back to class" I said as we walked back to class. Only two classes were left anyways. 

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