Lady Stark

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Prince Aemond and Prince Maegor always had a bitter rivalry from a young age. They absolutely hated each other and often got into physical fights over any and everything. Maegor was more than happy when his father brought him to Dragonstone after he married Princess Rhaenyra. He spent six years on Dragonstone until Cregan Stark requested an audience with him, Daemon, the king, and Prince Aemond in King's landing. Daemon decided to bring along the prince Jacaerys with them aswell seeing as he did not know why Cregan would want to meet them.


King's landing

Maegor and Jace stood in the crowd watching Aemond in a duel with Criston Cole.

"He's insufferable." Maegor said, annoyed.

"He's good." Jace replied.

"But I'm better." He mumbled.

Aemond pointed the sword at Coles neck and took his victory. Saera clapped for her brother and grinned.

"Congratulations, my prince. You'll be winning tourneys in no time." Cole said to him.

"I don't give a shit about tourneys." Aemond replied and turned to Maegor. "Cousin. Nephew. Have you come to train?"

Maegor smirked and licked his lips, stepping up, but just then, the gate doors opened. Suddenly, all eyes were turned to the Lord of Winterfell, but what no one expected to see was a woman with dark hair with him.

Her name was Daenera Stark, and alongside her was her dire wolf Shira. Since she turned eighteen, her father had insisted on her marrying a noble man of her choosing, but she hated all the men brought before her and rejected them all.
She had suiters from all over the seven kingdoms asking her her hand, but she still rejected them. Many said the Daenera was a witch because any man who disrespected her died shortly after.

Both Aemond and Maegor's eyes were glued to Daenera. She smiled at them, then turned her head back and continued walking.

Saera noticed this and frowned. She always believed that one day she would marry Aemond, but he had never looked at her the way he looked at Daenera.

 She always believed that one day she would marry Aemond, but he had never looked at her the way he looked at Daenera

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"Welcome to King's landing." Alicent said to Cregan Stark.

"Thank you, my Queen." He said, bowing his head.

"Why did you request an audience with us?" Viserys asked.

Cregan glanced at Prince Daemon and Maegor, then at Aemond.

"I would like you to meet my sister. Daenera Stark." Cregan said, placing a hand on his sister's back.

Daenera smiled sweetly and curtsied. "Your Graces. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"You seem to lack a northern accent." Daemon said to her.

"My mother taught me well, my Prince." She said to him.

"What brings you to Kings Landing?" Viserys asked.

Daenera glanced at her brother and then back at the king.

"My father has requested to enter a marriage alliance with one of you. My sister is in need of a husband, but he will only allow her to do so to the man of her choosing." Cregan explained.

"Very well." Viserys said, signaling Aemond and Maegor to his side. "You may choose." He told her.

Everyone waited as Daenera studied both men. "They are very handsome, your Grace." She told him politely. "But I can not choose a husband simply because of his appearance. I wish for a husband with a good heart."

"I completely agree." Viserys said. "Then you should stay here until your decision is made."

Cregan and Daenera nodded to each other, and she turned back to the king. "Thank you, my king, I accept."

"Wonderful. We will have a family dinner tonight to celebrate." He said and began walking away with his cane.

Maegor bowed before her before leaving the throne room with Jace and Daemon. Aemond kissed her hand and gave her a small smile.

"A pleasure to meet you." He said to her before walking away.

LATER THAT NIGHT AT THE DINNER TABLE, Saera digged her fork into her meat angrily. She didn't see why Aemond liked Daenera. She looked like every other woman in the seven kingdoms with nothing unique about her. Why didn't Aemond look at her when she was the one with a dragon and silver hair? Alicent grabbed her daughter's hand and told her to stop.

"Is the north really always cold?" Helaena asked Daenera.

"It is, but you get used to it." Daenera answered.

"Mabye, you should've stayed there." Saera mumbled and stepped on her daughter's foot purposely. "Ow."

Daenera's wolf Shira came to Maegor's side, sniffing him.

"We'll, aren't you... friendly." He said, petting her then gave her a piece of his meat.

"No, she isn't." Cregan said to him.

"Of course she is." Daenera said to her brother.

"Is that even safe?" Saera asked her.

"Is what safe?"

"Having a dire wolf especially close to people you don't know?" Saera asked coldly.

"Saera." Alicent warned.

"Shira is more than just a wolf." Daenera answered.

"She's a wild animal." Saera said, staring blankly at Daenera.

"Is it not the same with your dragons?"

"They're tamed."

"Are they?" Daenera asked in a sweet but threatening tone.

"Do you have a problem with dragons?" Saera asked.

"Not at all. I think they are quite beautiful."

Saera was angry that Daenera was so calm.

"Forgive my sister she is very passionate."  Aemond said, breaking the tension.

"That is a wonderful trait. I can see she has a fiery spirit for a young girl." Daenera answered.

"I'm fifteen." She growled and stabbed her fork into her meat.

Daenera stared at her intensely, then Saera's wine mysteriously tipped over, spilling over her dress.

She got up quickly, and Alicent grabbed a cloth, helping her dry off. "Are you kidding me?" She said angrily.

Daenera turned her attention to Maegor, who was still petting the top of her wolf's head. "She likes you."

"I sure hope so."

Daenera held many secrets. If anyone knew of the power she held, they'd burn her in fear but she really wanted that bitch to shut up.

Cregan leaned over to his sister and whispered in her ear. "Are you alright?" He asked her.

"Yes, brother." She smiled.

Aemond and Maegor met eyes. They both wanted her, but who'd win? Would she choose either of them? Or would they be rejected? Maegor fully intended to give this all he had, and so did Aemond.

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