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Aemond stood outside the dragon's den with his son Aenys clinging to his hand with a mixture of fear and excitement. The den was dark and foreboding, and the roaring of the dragons within made the ground shake beneath their feet.

"Come, Aenys," Aemond said, his voice strong and reassuring. "It's time to collect some dragon eggs."

Aenys looked up at his father with wide eyes. "Are we really going in there?" he asked, his voice trembling.

"We are," Aemond replied, his grip on his son's hand tightening slightly. "But don't worry, my boy. The dragons won't hurt us. They know we're here for the eggs."

With that, Aemond led Aenys into the den. The air was thick with smoke and the stench of dragon dung, and the ground was slick with what Aenys hoped was water. The dragons themselves were nowhere to be seen, but Aenys could hear the sound of their breathing and the occasional flicker of a tail.

Aemond led him deeper into the den until they came to az pile of eggs. Aenys couldn't help but gasp at the sight of them.

"Pick one," Aemond said, releasing his son's hand and gesturing towards the eggs.

Aenys hesitated for a moment, then approached the pile. He scanned the eggs, trying to decide which one to choose. Finally, he settled on a medium-sized egg with a dark, almost black shell.

"That one," he said, pointing to the egg he had chosen.

Aemond nodded approvingly. "Good choice, Aenys. Now, let's get out of here before the dragons return." He then took the two other eggs stuffing them into the satchel.

Aenys clutched the egg tightly to his chest as he followed his father out of the den. As they emerged into the sunlight, Aenys felt a rush of relief and excitement.

"Can we do it again, Father?" he asked, looking up at Aemond with a grin.

Aemond chuckled. "Perhaps, my boy. But not today. Today, we have a dragons egg to care for."

Back in the castle, Daenera sat on a cushioned chair in her chambers, watching Daeron play with Shira. The massive beast lay on the floor, her head resting on her paws while Daeron crawled all over her, giggling and pulling at her fur.

She smiled as she watched the two of them interact. Shira was gentle with him, despite her size, and seemed to enjoy the attention he gave her. The direwolf was fiercely protective of her family, and Daenera knew that her son was safe with her by his side.

As Daeron crawled onto Shira's back, the direwolf slowly stood up, her movements careful and deliberate. Daenera held her breath for a moment, worried that Shira might accidentally hurt her son, but she simply walked around the room, carrying him on her back like he was a small cub.

"Be careful, my sweet."

As Shira finally placed him onto down on the floor, Daenera stood up and walked over to them, her heart overflowing with love for her son and her faithful companion. She knelt down beside Daeron and gently ruffled his hair.

"Shira is such a good girl, isn't she?" She said, smiling at her son.

He looked up at his mother and nodded, a wide smile on his face. "Shira is my friend," he said, his voice soft and earnest.

Soon, Aemond and Aenys walked into the room hand in hand.

"Ah, there are my two hunters." Daenera joked.

Aemond wrapped his armsmaround her waist and kissed her deeply. Aenys gagged loudly, causing them to break apart.

"OK, here, show your brother the eggs. Let him choose one." Aemond said, handing the bag to Aenys.

Aenys took the bag and laid the eggs on the floor in front of Daeron and Shira while their parents walked out of the room to talk.

"Choose one." Aenys said.

Daeron looked down at the eggs and pointed to the black one, the same one Aenys had chosen earlier.

"This one."

"You can't have that one it's mine." Aenys said, grabbing the egg.

"You told me to choose one, and I chose that one." Daeron argued.

"I'm older, so I get to have it."

"No, you're not. I was born before you." Daeron said angrily.

"No, you're not." Aenys laughed.

Daeron grabbed the egg from his brother aggressively.

"It's mine, Daeron!" Aenys shouted, trying to pull the egg away from his younger brother.

"No, it's mine!" Daeron protested, holding onto the egg with all his might.

Their argument soon turned physical, with the two boys pushing and shoving each other, their tiny fists flying.

Daeron reached for a dagger that had been left on the floor nearby, the blade glinting in the sunlight.

Aemond walked in an instant as he leaped forward, snatching the dagger away from his son's grasp before he could do any harm. Aemond knew the damage a weapon in a fight could do. He became blinded with anger at the memory of losing his eye to the bastard Lucerys Velaryon.

Aenys looked up at his father, his eyes wide with fear as he watched his younger brother being scolded

The boys froze, looking up at their father with wide eyes, his face stern.

"What is going on here?" he demanded.

"He took my egg!" Aenys said, pointing accusingly at Daeron.

"No, I didn't!" Daeron protested, his lower lip trembling.

"Aenys, go to your room," Aemond said, his voice stern.

Aenys nodded and scurried out of the room, leaving Daeron alone with his parents.

"Daeron, you know better than to touch weapons without permission!" he scolded and grabbed his son's arm.

Daeron flinched and tried to pull away from his father's grip in tears. "I'm sorry. You're hurting me."

"Aemond, stop. You're scaring him." Daenera said from behind him.

Aemond suddenly saw Luke's face in his son, and Daenera pulled him away from her crying son.

"Enough!" She shouted.

Aemond breathed heavily, and his heart softened at the sight of Daeron crying on the floor. The last thing he wanted to do was scare his son. He reached down about to touch him, but Daeron quickly moved away.

Daenera got to her son's level and wiped his tears. She hugged him tightly as she listened to his shakey breaths.

"Shhhh. It's okay."

"I just don't want to die again." Daeron whispered.

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