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Aemond led the army towards Harrenhal, expecting to find his uncle Prince Daemon and his army waiting for them. As they approached the castle, he realized that there was no sign of them.

"Where is Daemon?" Aemond growled, his eyes scanning the horizon. "He was supposed to be here."

Ser Criston Cole rode up beside him. "Perhaps he was delayed, my prince. We should wait for him."

But Aemond was impatient. "No, we can't wait. We need to strike now, while the castle is weak. Vhagar, burn the castle!"

The dragon roared and unleashed a torrent of flames on the castle, wreaking havoc on the already weakened structure. As the Targaryen army poured into the castle, the Riverlands soldiers put up a valiant defense, but they were no match for the dragons and the Targaryen army.

Aemond's rage only grew when he realized that Prince Daemon had not come to meet them. He ordered his dragons to burn the Riverlands, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Villages and towns were burned to the ground, and the Riverlands were left in ruins.

Ser Criston tried to reason with him, but Aemond was beyond reason. His thirst for revenge and his anger at his nephew had consumed him completely. He continued to burn and destroy, leaving a trail of death and destruction wherever he went.

It was only when Aegon arrived and saw the devastation that he was able to rein in his brother. Aemond was ordered to stand down, and the Targaryen army withdrew from the Riverlands. But the damage had already been done, and the people of the Riverlands would never forget the cruelty of the dragon riders who had burned their homes and killed their loved ones.


As Aemond and Vhagar engaged in the battle with Rhaenys and Meleys, they were suddenly joined by another dragon - Sunfyre, ridden by Aegon Targaryen. The two brothers had both been at odds with each other for a long time, but for now, they had a common enemy in Rhaenys and her dragon, Meleys.

The three dragons clashed in the sky, their wings flapping and their roars echoing across the Riverlands. Dragonfire erupted in all directions as they breathed flames at each other. Aemond and Aegon worked together, coordinating their attacks and dodges, trying to outmaneuver Rhaenys and Meleys.

At first, it seemed like Rhaenys and Meleys had the upper hand, as Meleys was a fierce and powerful dragon, and Rhaenys was skilled in aerial combat. But Aegon and Aemond were both experienced dragon riders, and they quickly adapted to the situation.

As they continued to fight, Aemond saw an opportunity to take out Rhaenys and Meleys. He signaled to Aegon, and they both swooped down towards their cousins, their dragons breathing flames. Rhaenys tried to dodge, but Meleys was not as quick as she used to be, and Aemond's dragon managed to strike a fatal blow, killing both Rhaenys and Meleys

As the battle came to an end, Aegon and Aemond landed their dragons on the scorched ground, both injured but alive. Aegon's dragon had suffered severe burns, and Aegon himself was badly injured. Aemond, on the other hand, had emerged relatively unscathed, except for a few minor burns.

Aegon left to go back to King's Landing to be treated for his wounds.


Aemond strode through the halls of Harrenhal, his guards trailing behind him, the echoes of their footsteps ringing through the empty fortress. The victory had been hard won, but it was his. The ancient castle was his to command, his to defend, his to rule.

As he made his way to the great hall, he could hear the sounds of celebration already underway. The cheers of his men, the clanging of cups, the raucous laughter of those who stood with him. It was a heady feeling, the thrill of victory.

But as he entered the hall, his eyes fell on a woman standing near the hearth. She was tall and slender, with dark hair cascading down her back. Her eyes met his, and there was a hunger in them that caught him off guard.

"Alys Rivers," he said, his voice flat.

"Aemond Targaryen," she replied, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Congratulations on your victory, my prince."

"Thank you," he said, his tone clipped. He had never trusted Alys Rivers, and he had no intention of starting now.

But she stepped closer, and he could feel the heat of her body radiating towards him. "You know," she said, her voice low and seductive, "I've always admired you, my prince. Your strength, your power. You're a true dragon."

He felt a surge of anger rise in him. Alys Rivers was playing a dangerous game, and he would not be a pawn in her schemes. "I'm married," he said, his voice cold.

Her smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Married?" she said, her tone coy. "What does that matter? Surely a man like you knows how to enjoy the company of a woman, even if he is bound by vows."

He stepped back, his hand tightening on the hilt of his sword. "I will not be party to your games. I am a Targaryen, and I will not dishonor my wife or my house."

She shrugged as if his words meant nothing to her. "Very well, Aemond. But know this - there are many who would be willing to bend the knee to you if you were to show them a little kindness."

He turned away from her, his guards falling in step behind him. Alys Rivers was dangerous. He knew that much. But he had no intention of letting her get the best of him. He had a castle to rule, a wife to love, and a future to secure. And he would do whatever it took to make sure that he succeeded.

( The line represents time jumping into a new scene)

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