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Aemond and Daenera walked hand in hand through the streets of King's Landing, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. As they turned a corner, they stumbled upon an orphanage tucked away in a quiet corner of the city.

Daenera's heart softened at the sight of the children peering out from behind the gates. Her eyes widened with a mixture of curiosity and sympathy. They approached the gate and were greeted by the matron of the orphanage, a kind-hearted woman named Mother Mary.

"Welcome, my Prince and lady," Mother Mary said with a warm smile. "What brings you to our humble abode?"

Aemond explained that they were simply taking a tour of the city and had stumbled upon the orphanage. Mother Mary invited them in, eager to show them the good work that was being done for the children.

As they entered the building, Aemond and Daenera were struck by the warmth and love that radiated from the staff and children. The children's faces lit up at the sight of visitors, and they eagerly showed off their drawings and crafts.

Daenera was particularly moved by a young girl named Lyra, who shyly showed her a picture she had drawn of a dragon. She complimented the girl's talent, and Aemond couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at his betrothed's kindness.

As they were leaving, Aemond turned to Mother Mary and asked how he could help support the orphanage. She explained that they were always in need of donations, especially for food and clothing.

Aemond and Daenera left the orphanage with a newfound appreciation for the work that was being done to help the children of King's Landing. As they walked through the streets, they discussed ways that they could support the orphanage and other charitable causes in the city.


Daenera had just stepped into her chambers when a knock came at the door. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should even answer it since she had spent the whole day on her feet and was exhausted.

But something in her gut told her that she needed to see who was at the door. So she opened it and was met by a messenger dressed in black.

"Your Grace," he said, bowing deeply. "I bring you terrible news. Your father, Lord Eddard Stark, has passed."

Daenera felt as though the ground had dropped out from under her. She staggered backward, her mind reeling with shock and grief. "No," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"I'm afraid it is, Your Grace," the messenger said softly. "I'm so sorry."

Daenera collapsed onto a nearby chair, her head in her hands. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Her father was dead.

For a long time, she sat there in silence, the weight of her grief almost too much to bear.

Rising to her feet, she turned to the messenger. "Thank you for bringing me this news," she said, her voice surprisingly steady. "I'll need to make preparations to return to Winterfell at once."

The messenger nodded, his expression sympathetic. "Of course, Your Grace. I'll make the necessary arrangements."

As he left the room, Daenera stood there, alone with her thoughts. She knew that the road ahead of her would be long and difficult. But she was a Stark, despite whatever happened in the end between them she had duties to attend to.

Aemond. She had to tell Aemond.


Daenera sat across from Aemond, her hands clasped tightly together in her lap. She took a deep breath and looked up at him, her eyes filled with sadness.

"Aemond," she began softly, "I have to go back to Winterfell for a while. My father... he passed away."

Aemond's heart sank at the news. He reached across the table and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry."

She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.

Aemond leaned in closer to her, his voice low and soothing. "I'm here for you, whatever you need."

Daenera's eyes met his, and she took a deep breath. "There's something else, Aemond. I have to go back to Winterfell alone. My brother needs me there, and I have duties to attend to as the Lady of Winterfell."

Aemond's brow furrowed in concern. "Alone? It's not safe. The journey from King's Landing to Winterfell is long and dangerous. I can't let you go alone."

Daenera smiled weakly, her fingers tracing circles on the back of his hand. "I know you want to protect me, Aemond. But I have to do this on my own. It's important to me, to my family, to my people."

Aemond sighed, knowing that she was right. He couldn't keep her from fulfilling her duties as the Lady of Winterfell. But it didn't make it any easier to let her go.

"I understand," Aemond said finally. "But promise me you'll be careful. And that you'll come back to me soon."

Daenera squeezed his hand, her eyes shining with love and gratitude. "I promise, Aemond. I'll be back as soon as I can."

They sat in silence for a few moments, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes. Aemond knew that he would miss her terribly while she was gone, but he also knew that he had to let her go, to trust in her strength and resilience as a leader.

"I love you, Daenera," he whispered, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

"I love you."

Aemond decided to take a walk with Daenera through Kingswood for more time together before she had to leave.

"I want to forget Aemond...." She said softly.

"Forget what?" He asked her, confused.

"Everything... just make me forget, please."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She whispered.

The two of them were alone in a secluded clearing, surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Aemond's hand reached up to gently cup Daenera's face, his thumb tracing circles on her cheek. She leaned into his touch, her eyes closing as she savored the sensation. Their lips met in a soft, tender kiss, the world around them fading away as they lost themselves in each other.

As the kiss deepened, Aemond's hands began to roam over Daenera's body. He traced the curve of her waist with his fingertips, drawing her closer to him. She could feel the heat of his body against hers, his desire for her evident in the way he held her.

Their lips parted, and his gaze met her's. There was a hunger in his eyes that sent shivers down her spine. He leaned in once more, his lips trailing down her neck as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

Daenera's hands found their way to Aemond's hair, tangling in the soft strands as she pulled him closer to her. She could feel his heart beating against her chest, the rhythm matching her own.

With a sudden burst of passion, Aemond lifted her into his arms, holding her tightly as he carried her to a nearby tree. He pressed her back against the rough bark, his hands roaming over her body as he kissed her deeply.

The world was a blur of sensation and emotion as they lost themselves in each other. They were two bodies, two souls, entwined in a moment of pure, unadulterated passion.

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