The King is Dead

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Daenera and Aemond rode side by side as they approached the gates of King's Landing. They just traveled all the way back from winterfell. Daenera held tightly onto the reins of her horse and her son.

As they entered the city, they were greeted by the bustling crowds and the sounds of merchants hawking their wares.

But as they made their way through the streets, the mood began to change. The people seemed quieter, more subdued. Daenera couldn't put her finger on it, but something felt off.

Finally, they arrived at the Red Keep, the massive castle that housed the King and his court. As they dismounted from their horses, they were met by a group of somber-faced guards.

"What's happened?" Aemond demanded, his voice filled with concern.

The head guard looked at him gravely. "I'm sorry, my lord. King Viserys has passed away."

Aemond's face went white. "How? When?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"He died peacefully in his sleep, my prince," the guard replied. "The council is convening now to discuss how to proceed."

Daenera placed a hand on her husband's arm, trying to offer what comfort she could. But she knew that nothing could ease the pain of losing a father.

Together, they made their way into the castle, their young sons following close behind. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they walked through the halls. There was a tension in the air, a sense of uncertainty.

Before they entered, Aemond turned to Daenera and kissed her. "I'll go in alone."

She gave him a smile and nodded. Aemond entered the concil room and found his mother and grandfather.

"Aemond." She said, getting up and hugging her son. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"The king is dead." She whispered.

I know." Ne answered. "Is Aegon a king or must we kneel and kiss the old whores cunny?" He asked his voice filled with sarcasm.

Alicent stood in front of her son Aemond, her expression grave. "Your brother Aegon has been crowned King. As the oldest son, he has the strongest claim to the Iron Throne."

"Hm. And does Rhaenyra know?" He asked

"She does." Otto answered.

"Aemond, please," Alicent said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Your brother has the support of many lords and knights. We must accept his rule for the sake of the realm."

Aemond gritted his teeth but nodded reluctantly. "What do you want me to do, mother?"

"Aegon has asked that you go to Storm's End and treat with Lord Baratheon. He has declared for Aegon, but we need to ensure his loyalty. You are a skilled negotiator, Aemond. I trust you to handle this delicate matter."

Aemond nodded again, his jaw set. "I will leave tomorrow, Mother. Storm's End will bend the knee, or they will suffer the consequences."

"Aemond, please be careful," Alicent said, her voice softening. "The realm is in turmoil, and we do not know who to trust. But I believe in you, my son. You will do what is best for our family and for the realm."

Meanwhile, Saera approached Daenera with a request that took her aback. "Daenera," she said, "I need your help. I've been trying to get pregnant for years, but nothing seems to work. I heard that you have some knowledge of magic, and I was wondering if you could use your powers to help me conceive."

Daenera's eyes widened in surprise. "Why would I ever help you?"

"Because as much as it kills me, we are family now."

"Bitch you kidnapped my son."

"She did?" Aenys asked stunned.

"Shh." Daenera told her son. "Besides, I don't think it's wise for you to have a child right now, given everything that's happening in the realm."

Saera's face twisted in anger. "How dare you refuse me!" she spat. "I thought we were family, but I see now that you're just as cruel and heartless as everyone says."

Daenera gritted her teeth, trying to control her rising anger. She had always been the target of Saera's venomous words and deeds, and she was tired of it. "You may be my sister-in-law, Saera," she said, her voice cold, "but that does not give you the right to demand anything from me. You have never shown me any kindness, and I see no reason why I should help you now."

Saera's face twisted in a mask of fury. "You'll regret this, Daenera," she hissed. "I'll make sure you pay for this insult."

As Saera continued her verbal assault on Daenera, little Daeron couldn't bear to see his mother being treated that way. He took a deep breath and summoned all the courage he had to speak up.

"Shut up!" he shouted, his voice shaking with emotion.

Saera turned to face him, surprised by the sudden outburst from the young boy.

"What did you say?" she asked, her tone laced with irritation.

"I said shut up you fucking cow!" Daeron repeated, his little fists clenched by his sides.

Saera narrowed her eyes at him, but before she could say anything, Daenera intervened.

"You heard him. Shut you fucking cow." Daenera smiled and placed a hand on her son's head.

Saera huffed in annoyance, but Daenera's words seemed to have some effect on her. She took a step back and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Fuck you and your children." Saera said walking away.

Daeron let out a small sigh of relief. He wrapped his arms around his mother's leg, seeking comfort and protection.

Daenera smiled down at him, her heart swelling with pride at her son's bravery. She knew that he would grow up to be a strong and compassionate person, just like his father.

"Thank you, my brave little warrior," she whispered, ruffling his hair affectionately. "But no more bad words."

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