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 Note: "You can't stop me loving myself." is a line from the song 'Idol' by BTS.

~It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.

"You can't stop me loving myself! oh oh oo woah-" My phone rang, such a wonderful ringtone, I know it is. But listening to that at 7 in the morning is not nice. It 'll probably be my mom. And of course, it was her.

"Hello mother."

"Hey dear, did you wake up?"

"Nope, I'm still sleeping mother. "

"What! Don't you have to go to college today?"

"I don't have collage today mom, today is Saturday. "

"Today is Friday dear, are you alright ?!" 

"What no! it's not." I checked my phone screen and shit it was Friday, ahhh, I wanted to sleep. It is that feeling, where the next day feels so much like a holiday, but it is not, and that is exactly what I was experiencing.

"Okay it is, Friday, I thought today was Saturday. Thank you for waking me up mom. And no, I am alright, just tired."

"Don't stress yourself much, and take proper rest then, okay?"

"Yes, thanks mom. why did you call so early? Is everything alright?" I asked her concernedly.

"Everything is fine dear, I just called to ask when you were going to visit back home."

"I will, I will soon visit. Mostly next to next week, I think I'll be done with my work, so that I can visit you."

"Okay that's great then, go get yourself ready now, you're getting late."

"Yes mom, bye, take care, see you."

"Yes, bye Claire."

Okay now there is no time to go to the gym, so I just decided to get a shower and get ready for college. I usually go to the gym almost every day, come back home, get ready and leave for college. I like exhausting myself, so I like going to the gym, it's fun. I do have a place of my own, it's quite small, but it has just enough space for me. I earn quite well through part time jobs.

I put on a plain white t shirt, torn black pants and a denim black jacket accompanied with black boots, and left for college. It's still winter in New York in January, so it is quite cold.

My collage is 20mins away from where I live. So before making my way to the college, I bought myself hot chocolate from the café. My first class is at 9 and I have sharp 30mins to reach on time. So, I hurriedly started to walk in the sidewalk, till I could find the spot where I could get a taxi.

 I was so much in a hurry that I could hardly pay attention to anyone around, till I dashed someone. And my day was not getting any better that the hot chocolate just spilt all over my white shirt.

I was startled, my hands open, and my mouth too, I just stood there looking at myself in a mess. Before I could swear the hell out of him, he was already gone. I dint have time to go run behind him. "Blind idiot can't even see when someone is walking and coming. Argh!" I said to myself. 

There was no time to go back home and change myself, I had to take something and wipe off the chocolate how much ever I can. As I was going to get the handkerchief from my bag. My eyes fell onto something that was lying down. I picked it up. It was something like a bracelet, a silver colored one with '1997' engraved on it.

All the memories that I tried to suppress for the past years, everything just flashed across my mind. I stood there straight up for 3mins staring at it. My eyes began to water, that one tear wanted to free itself and flow, but I dint let it.

 I won't, I will not cry again for that reason again. I took a deep breath and relaxed myself, quickly Wiping off my teary eyes and the spilt hot chocolate over my t shirt.

I looked back again just in case was it....... no it isn't, I don't want to think about it again. I kept the bracelet with myself. He deserves it, if he comes searching for it, let him, he just spoilt my day and did not even mind to tell sorry.

 Blind idiot. If I find him again, I swear I'm going to kill him. All I remember is his black leather jacket and those weird styled blue shoes he was wearing, his height made him stood among the others. He was quite tall.

I took a taxi and reached my college. And of course, I was late, by 15 whole minutes. The professor excused me for this time, after obviously telling few things to me. But as I had a good reputation I escaped from other harsh punishments.

My university is not that strict, but just in case they might do anything according to their own mood. Sometimes if the professor is in a good mood he would not mind even if you sang in class and if he's in a bad mood then he would go on scolding someone who did not even open his or her mouth. This time he was in 75% good mood, according to my calculations. 

Sigh, what a way to start off this day. It's going to be a long and an annoying day.  

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