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~Isn't funny how nothing changes every day, but everything is different looking back at it.

The day had finally come when I entered the first year of high school. Finally, I was done with middle school. I couldn't wait till I would be done with school. Just 4 more years, which was pretty long, yet it'll be completed fast is what I felt.

It was a new class with new people. Luckily, I had already found myself a good friend. Her name was Emma, Emma Cole. I knew her from 2nd grade and finally we reunited in high school. We both sat our self-beside each other, in the second last bench. Our class was quite big.

We continued talking until the teacher entered the class. My first class was math's. I genuinely hated math's and I still do.  

"Good afternoon, ma'am" everyone wished her in that tune, which all of us know how it goes.

"Good afternoon, please take your seats."

As soon as she told us to sit, the door just wide opened.

"Oh! Look who we have here." The teacher said.

"Even in the first day you won't come on time won't you Mr. Archer." 

Everyone started giggling, she is not that strict after all.

"Yes ma'am, well I missed the bus, so my mom had to drop me." He Said sheepishly.

"Excuses, excuses uh, get in, tomorrow come on time."

Of course, now that the whole class was settled there was only one place left and that was the one behind where I was sitting.

The teacher told him to sit there. And he did.

I had no clue who he was. He was a main player in the football team. He was the popular guy, not the kind of popular who would go on from one girl to another, but the kind of hard-to-get person. Everyone crushed on him, he used to be the ace of the class, as that's what people called him. Funny and entertaining.

He was someone who would make the atmosphere fun, lighten up the mood, and had a good sense of humor. He is quite well known; he talks to everyone in general but at the same time he doesn't let anyone get much close to him.

Hence it justifies why everyone tries to get close to him. I came to know this later. Till then I knew nothing about him. It was the first time I had even seen him properly on how he was. 

He took a seat behind me, the whole time till he came back he had this smirk on his face. He was just chill. The teacher continued with her class. She did not really teach anything but was giving introduction and making us talk about ourselves.

No one really paid attention to it after a while. I continued talking with Emma. I was sitting facing her, half turned.

"Hey, I'm Archer."

I heard someone tell from the back and I turned to see him. I first gave a confusing look and he repeated again, this time by lending his hand for a handshake.

"Oh, I'm Claire." I shook his hand. Not going to lie, but it felt good as for a fact he doesn't initiate convos with anyone. Emma on the side just went on 'oooooo' about that.

"Shut the fuxk up" Archer said.

There is this thing, that people are scared of him, not completely but the least thing they would do is to talk back to him. So, Emma just kept her mouth shut later. The teacher then continued talking again. As we were on the last corner bench, she didn't much pay attention to it. More of like it was the first day, so she left it.

I turned back to my normal position, I was turning my rough note pages and then just playing with my hand. Till I noticed that my hand was full of ink. Emma saw this and she started to laugh.

"No wonder why he gave you a handshake." She said.

I turned and glared at him angrily and he laughed and gave me a smirk. "Such an idiot." And then of course I decided to take revenge for that. The first class bell rang, and it was physics. The teacher came in, and as usual since it was the first day, she pretty much left us free.

I turned back and asked him for a pen.

"Thankyou" I said.

I took a transparent glue from my bag and covered the whole pen with it. Making sure he could not see it. After a while I turned and gave it back to him. Thankfully he was busy writing something, so he took the pen without even seeing it.

His nose scrunched and his face went like "ewww". I started to laugh and this time I gave him a smirk and he kept shooting glares with his eyes.

As soon as I turned, he literally, for real just wiped his hands on my shirt in the back. The bell correctly rang. I still had the glue that I used to cover the pen with glue in my hand and so I did the same. I wiped off my gluey hand on his sleeve.

Before he could do it back again, I escaped from there.

This was the begging of all the prank wars that went on for the whole academic year.

Later on for that, the next day he decided to pour water on me. It was all quite for the whole time, only when the school got over, in the last from nowhere he came and splashed it all across my uniform. I ran behind him with the water bottle in my hand and did the same. Luckily it wasn't so much, so it got dried off. It was really annoying of him to have done that. 

After all his intention is to purely annoy people.

This went on for the whole term, till we had exams, and everything was on halt. Sometimes it was fun but at times it was quite annoying. But overall, I had a pretty good time this year.

After all I thought, it's quite good that I came to know someone like this. I never thought we would ever be meeting or seeing each other ever again. It was all just like a part of my life, which I would have it for a while and later forget about it. But that was not the case.

This was just the beginning. 

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