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~Do it because they said you couldn't.

It's only the second day of the holiday and I'm already bored. Holidays are boring when school is fun, and my school has been the best. Archer is going to be leaving today. I don't know when he'll come back, I can't ask him to meet me too, and nor is he going to text. So I guess I have to wait one whole month to see him again.  

Wait, what if he's going to leave school? He told me he was going to Barcelona with his dad, but he never told me he was going only for summer vacations. I can see that he's been so dedicated to playing football and going there has better opportunities than being here. OH MY GOD.  

No, I dont want him to leave, it's going to be so boring if he leaves. I met Emma at around 5 in the evening, simply to hang out. I told her about Archer telling me about going to Barca and everything. I also told her on my dilemma on what if he's leaving school.  

"Oh my god Claire, calm down. Just go and ask him directly if he's leaving school." She said.

"I cannot!!! It's not that easy." I replied.

"If he came and talked to you, why can't you go and ask him casually?" She asked. 

"Because we don't really do casual convos, so it's weird to go talk to him just like that." i answered.

"Why the hell are you so worked on about him?" she asked.

"I don't know, cause he's fun, he makes the environment lively and......I don't know. He's just a good fun friend." I told her. 

We kept talking and headed to the grocery store to grab something to eat. And, unexpectedly, I saw Archer. I mean I should probably say hi to him right? But instead I pretend to have not seen him. It's funny because I had been complaining about not seeing him for a month, and now that I've finally run into him, I acted as if I didn't see him."

As fate would have it, we ended up seeing each other. 

"Oh, Archer, hey. Aren't you supposed to be leaving today?" I asked him.

"Hey, yeah, just picking up a few things." He replied.

And then Emma came in between.

"Are you leaving school?" She asked snapping right at him. I shot her a sharp look.

"No, why would I?" He replied.  

Thank god!!!! He is not leaving school. Now I can finally be at peace.

"Exactly, why would he." I said. Like I just dint have a whole trauma if he was leaving or not. And Emma looked at me with a 'seriously Claire' face and I just gave her a smile.

"Okay, bye then." Archer said.

"Bye! When will you be back though?" I asked. 

"By the end of this month." He replied.

"Oh, well okay then, bye, happy journey!" I told him and he left

Emma and I then went back to our place and once again I found myself with nothing to do. I thought of watching TV, but there was nothing on. I then scrolled through the phone and ended up wasting more time. I listened to songs, playing back everything that happened between me and Archer so far. 

How he talked to me yesterday, how there was something there in the rain back then, how I met him today and all those small moments we had when our eyes met.  

God! I have to get him out of my mind. So, I looked up some courses to enroll for the vacation. There were cooking, baking, painting, singing, speech, etc. And one thing caught my eyes.


I've always loved films. Cinema is one thing that has the power to influence us through entertainment, it's something where we try to find ourselves through characters, something that gives us things to imagine, to believe in ourselves and maybe also makes our expectations high from what we want from life.

I think it's one of the most wonderful things that has ever come into existence. It's my dream to make a movie which touches people's heart, make them relate with the characters, leave some iconic dialogues and scenes and have a separate fandom for it. 

Cause what's the joy in life if there's no drama? 

"Mom, will you look up at this? I've found this course which helps us learn about films." I told her.

"Okay, now come and eat fast." She said.

"MOM! I am showing you something that I want to do, can you just pay some attention to it?!" 

"Do you even have any skills to do any of these things?" She asked me.    

"I can learn it! That's exactly why I even want to join the course, so that I can learn more about it." I told her.

"First learn discipline, everyday waking up late will get you nowhere." She snapped back at me.

I just stormed off to my room shutting the door and crying as usual. It's fuxing summer vacations who will wake up early? Especially if you have nothing to do. I stopped crying. After a certain point, you get used to it that it doesn't even matter now. And this was not the first time it's happened so many times. So, I stopped wasting time and filled the form for the camp.

I had enough of pocket money to get myself enrolled. I told my mom while leaving the house and she dint quite tell anything. May I tell, that was a very good decision to take some guts and enroll by myself, cause man this was fantastic. I would never get bored of doing this stuff my entire life.

Camera's, ideas, angles, shots and shoots. It was my thing.  

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