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 ~ we don't meet people by accident, they are meant to cross our paths for a reason.

Philosophy class is so boring. I took it with the intention that it would be fun, it is quite interesting. But only in the beginning, later it's just boring. I literally drooled off today in class.

After class I made my way to the canteen, I met up with my friend Amy. She is one of the best people you could ever meet. She will help you with all your problems, be there when your down, encourage, motivate and what not.

you know as they say- "A best friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you." 

"Claire!" She called me.

"Amy! How was your psychology class?"

Amy is on the process of becoming a psychologist. She is pretty good at it; I hope she achieves whatever she wants.

And as for me I want to become a director. I've taken many other courses on the side as well. Like Philosophy and designing. I'm getting a degree in business studies. It is stressful obviously, but it's alright, as said I love what I'm doing.

"It was pretty boring today, don't even talk about it. How was yours? "

"Boring as usual. Today was so hectic." 

I continue telling her everything that happened, from forgetting what day it was, to running late, to spilling hot chocolate, everything. I just tell her that someone dropped their bracelet down and nothing else.

We meet up with all our other friends.

Jace, Alex, Amy and I are kind of like a group. We hang out together and bear with Jace and Amy's cringe. Yes, they are dating, just from about 6 months.

Today is Friday and all of us go to the bar every Friday night. But no, I don't drink. I would rather just drink my favorite apple juice and enjoy some dancing. I remember the last time I drank I was wasted as hell. God, I don't even want to think about that day. I have quite low drinking capacity.

So, all of us left and made our way to the bar. We found a place for our self. Amy and Jace went on their own ways and I was left with Alex. His other friends joined us. Alex is a professional soccer player and he's going to try out for the team next season. So, it's obvious that he has many "cool" friends. As for Jace, he too is in the soccer team, but he is more of a book person.

They continued to talk about their matches, and I was just sitting simply. It's not always boring coming here, because I have many other friends whom I usually go and hang out with. But today I'm a bit down, so I just decided to sit there. I was just sitting simply and looking around. People getting drunk, dancing, enjoying and what not. As I was, my eyes fell on that similar black jacket.

I quickly without even thinking just walked towards where he was and pulled him through his jacket.

He turned and looked at me with a smirk, "hey gorgeous". With his hands on my hips, he pulled me closer to him, just when I looked down, he wasn't wearing those weird blue colored shoes. Anyhow it's not that I know how he looks. He might have just changed them. so, I pushed him just as much to free myself and took the bracelet out from my pocket.

Before I could take it out, someone came and dashed him. He was wearing the same jacket.

The wine spilt over his shirt. "What the hell man!".

"Oh shit, sorry bro." the guy who dashed apologized. The other guy looked at him with annoyance and just walked off.

I couldn't really see the face of the guy who dashed him. As he walked off is when I realized those blue weird ass boots. I walked behind him and called him.

"HEY! Hey, excuse me." I was going to yell at him like anything. Whether his fault or not, I don't care. He finally turned and looked at me. I finally got a look of his face. I couldn't speak anything further. It was him. 

Those same deep grey eyes. His glare was something else and if looks could kill then it was his. Not to mention those beautiful eye lashes he has. No other guy would have such. After this long I can't believe-

Someone dropped the glass down. The shattering pieces of glass snapped me out of my thoughts. All this time we were just staring at each other. I dint know what to tell.

"I-I umm is this yours by any chance?"

"Oh shit, yeah it is." "I've been searching for this the whole time, where'd you find it?"

"Oh, it was, it was just lying down."

Now 100% it was him.

Before I could hear him reply, I was interrupted by Amy, who was half drunk and pulled me along with her. She forced me to have another drink with her. But I refused, I told her I was going home. I can't stay in this place any longer. After quite a long argument, she finally let me go. I told Alex to drop me home. I controlled myself the whole time till I reached home.

He asked me if something was wrong. I assured him everything was alright and that I was just tired. Soon I reached home. As soon as I did, I locked the door, and slid against it with river flowing through my eyes. I couldn't stop crying. I have no idea why I can't stop crying. Everything literally everything is all just blank right now. How just how and why would I even want to meet him all over again.

I did quite a good job, not completely but I at least tried my best to get over stuffs that happened. I was weeping so badly. How the hell can he not recognize me. If he did, he should have at least hugged me, talked to me, have come behind me. But no, he was just gone by the time I looked back. Such a long story it is. Even though it has been over 5 years, I still can tell it was him.

Archer kalvein king. The guy every girl has ever wanted. He was something else.  

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