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~sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectations.

I was not going to talk to Archer. Not also go and scold him or wait for him to come ask for forgiveness. It's not only about this, he has done many things before also which I let go.

I came to the class and found Luke sitting alone. So, I decided to give him company.

"Hey Luke! Do you by any chance know who gave my assignment to Mr. Tucker?"

"Hey! Yeah, um well you see- "

"No, don't tell me. You did?" I asked

"yeah, I mean it wasn't that hard after all, you don't know, these people have the previous year assignments done by students right there in a place. All I had to do was get hold of that and do certain changes. That's all, no big deal."

"Oh my god! What would have happened if you would have been caught?"

"Nothing much, just few scolding." He said laughingly.

"Wow, I'm so grateful that you did this for me. Thank you so much!"

"No worries, Claire, I'm always here." He said. Just as he finished telling this, Archer walked in.

Surprisingly he came early to school that day. As he entered, his gaze fell on me and our eyes met. He had this pleading look over his eyes which I decided to ignore.

I never thought that Luke could have helped me. He is such a good friend. We later continued to talk about our life, movies and sports.

"So, are you planning on forgiving Archer?" Luke asked.

"Hell no." I replied.

"Good job, he doesn't anyways care about people's feelings. This also won't be of a big deal to him whether you forgive him or not."

"Haha yeah, exactly, he doesn't even care." I replied, with a bit of disappointment.

I know he is like that, doesn't give a damn about others and would kick their ass if anyone would say a word about him. It's not that he also tried to apologize all this time.

It's so saddening for a fact that I am just no one to him.

The whole time while I was talking to Luke, I could feel someone's gaze continuously on us. And that was none other than Archer's.

I know he also had his smirk on his face. The 'Both of you are enjoying uh' smirk. So that he could never stop teasing me and Luke.

Emma was sitting with her so called "crush" that she seems to have. She literally has a crush every week. I don't even understand how she does that.

She is also pretty good in starting conversations with people, and so she easily went and talked to him and engaged a long conversation. Which I can see is going pretty well because even he seems to enjoy talking with her.

As usual Archer was sitting behind me but I kept myself busy to not pay any attention to him. Now it's even more annoying that he doesn't even try to apologize, talk or tease.

Even I couldn't apologize to him. Half of it is my fault too, but he isn't even trying. I dint get a chance before to go and apologize.

I swear to God I hate group projects. In fact, I hate any project. After lunch, our class teacher came and gave us another project to do for exhibition purpose which was going to take place after 2 weeks.

Hopefully she allows us to choose partners by ourselves. But obviously she didn't. She allotted the groups, each group had 4 people and our class had odd numbers making 2 people left out.

Those people were going to join some other group, taking 5 people in 2 groups alone as usual. But this time that was not the case.

The 2 people left out were me and Archer. Why do I even have to be with him.

"Ma'am I would like to change my partner."

"No Claire, you are not allowed to."

"Ma'am at least let me join someone's group, only two people are left."

"Why don't you just do it with Archer, learn how to mingle with your classmates Claire."

Mingle my foot.

"Ma'am but-"

"No more arguments Claire. This project is not that big, 2 people could finish it easily and 5 people together; most of them will not even do anything."

"I need this project by next week." She informed and she left.

"Do you want me to talk to the teacher?" Luke asked me.

"No, she will probably think so bad of me, I'll just finish off the project how much ever by myself and tell Archer to not do anything. I don't want to work with him." I said.

I took my pouch to take out the pen for math's class. And I found a chit. It said:

"Meet me at the library after school."  

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