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~You'll always be my favorite what if.

"I won't talk to him, I won't talk to him, I won't talk to him." I kept saying that to myself the whole time. It was obvious that the chit was kept in by Archer. I knew his handwriting way too well.

We had different classes after that, so I did not see Archer after that.

Finally, school got over and I made my way to the library. It was empty. Like who would come to the library after school.

I don't know anyone who would make their way to the library, half of them would make their way to a party, other half would hang out to play soccer and the rest like me would make their way to the house so that they could sleep.

The only reason I came here, was to listen to what he has to say and then go. Not to melt myself again. I wasn't expecting any good words from his mouth.

As I entered, I saw him sitting there with a book in his hand, flipping through the pages slowly. He looked so- how day I say, he looked handsomely hot. Does that even make sense?

Like a guy with an athletic body and messy hair just sitting there reading a book with those vivid brown eyes.


I know I shouldn't be thinking of that right now, when I'm supposed to be mad at him. But damn his looks. No one can do anything if someone looks so unreally good looking.

Thankfully he dint notice me coming in and staring at him like that. I then walked where he was sitting. 

"Oh, you're here." He said, by shifting his attention to me from the book.

"Tell what you want fast." I told him by making myself seated on the chair opposite to him.

There was a 5 second silence when he finally spoke.

"I'm sorry." He said by lowering his gaze a bit.

I would be lying if I tell I did not accept a sorry from him, even though I kept telling he won't apologize.


"What no?"

"Sorry won't solve anything. It's good that Luke even took the effort to re submit my assignment somehow, when you were the one who ruined it!"

I told that and quickly got up and made my way out. I didn't want to listen to any of his sorry. I mean the most that could happen is me forgiving him and continue playing with each other all over again. And something like this happening again.

"Claire, wait!"

I took my cycle and left the place before he could come after me.


"Archer will you please come out of your place." Ms. Rosey called him.

He got up and made his way up there.

"May I know where your assignment is?"

"Sure ma'am. The assignment is at my house."

"I don't want your lame excuses."

"It is not lame Ma'am I have genuinely left it at home. If you want, you can call up my mom and ask her."

"I would rather send you to the principal for half day."

"But ma'am-"

"Yes, please go to the principal's office now."

"No ma'am, I'm sorry, please."

"Go out and stand."

And he made his way out. It wasn't the first time he was going; he has been sent to stand out a lot of times for many different reasons. But most of them were for silly reasons and late submissions.

So probably it wasn't new to him.

The conversation between the two was calm and well settled with no anger even from the teacher's side. But I could see the 'no fun, serious'  look on Archer's face, which trust me is not the mood you want to see him in or even go near him.


I kind of knew Luke from middle school, and this year maybe even we started catching up. I knew his friends too, so we were much kind of a group. Around 5 to 6 people, including Emma and Archer too.

And surprisingly Archer and Luke are kind of best friends. With him knowing many people and talking to everyone, but not letting anyone get close to him. If he wants to hang out with someone that would be Luke. And trust me both of them are really good friends.

"Luke don't be such a cruel person, go on and tell her." I heard mason tell Luke.

Mason too is one of the guys from our group. He's more calm minded and trustworthy. But never dare argue with him or you're going to be humiliated so badly. He's so good with comebacks. But still, he doesn't have that much power as Archer has with his words.

"Chill, I will."

"Right now." He said.

I could then see Luke coming and approaching me.

"Well Claire, you see the assignment that I gave, was not taken from somewhere."


"It was actually Archers."

"THE WHaT!" Now I dint think Luke would actually do something like this.

"No, no listen up first. I did not give his assignment without him knowing. He forced me to give his assignment to the teacher on your name."

"I don't understand."

"After you threw the papers at him, he went to the art room got stuffs and went to the soccer field, I followed him there and eventually found out that he was doing the assignment."


"You just remembered now that you had an assignment to give uh?"

"Can you not mind your own business?"

"Chill bro, do you want me to help you?"

"That isn't required."


"And then, the whole day I dint see him. I saw him walk to the teachers table at last and I followed him again just for fun, when I saw the sheet of paper, your name was written."

"He caught me looking there and he gave a death glare which was more of 'you tell her or anyone you are so dead'."

As soon as he finished, I went up around the school again searching for him. 

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