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~ we're all just people, who sometimes do bad things.

After coming home, I really felt bad for spilling water like that. The next day the first thing I wanted to do was go and apologize to him. I had to wait for 2 days for that, because it was weekend.

We were given an assignment in biology. I hate doing assignments. It's one useless thing to do, all of us know we just get information from Google and copy that down and nothing really goes in, yet I have to spend my precious time doing that shit.

On top of that it was a freaking 15-page compulsory assignment. So, I had to sit and write down each and every page and stick a few printed stickers and information.

I spent almost 4 to 5 hours in total to complete that assignment. I could have just left it, but then it's end of term, and all of this might get registered for marks, so I had to do it.

I finally completed and kept it inside my bag. Next day I had to go submit it.

I'll go apologize to Archer during the break. Bio was the last class on Monday, but then I took the assignment out to give it to the teacher during the first break itself. I kept it on the table and Emma called me outside for a minute. 

I went with her and came back and saw that my assignment was fully torn. Completely. I just stood there looking at it with tears on my eyes.

It is really dumb of me to cry, but I gave my everything in finishing that crap assignment, wasted my time collecting Information, sticking pictures, drawing borders and sketching.

I was so mad to the core. I hell knew who did that, and straight up went to where he was standing in the corridor.

"What the hell is your problem, Archer?"

"How could you even-, do you know how much time I've wasted in doing this assignment! Do you even think before what you do?!" I shouted at him with my crying voice.

"If you don't care about your marks doesn't mean everyone else doesn't!" I shouted at him and threw the paper towards him and walked off.  

Luckily there wasn't much crowd gathered up, only few people came and surrounded us.

I went inside the restroom and washed my face. Emma came in and told me not to worry, she told we'll tell the teacher something or the other. I wasn't even sad for the fact that I will lose my marks, I don't really mind about that. It's about the time I've wasted doing that shit and more importantly how heartless Archer is.

How could he even just like that spoil someone's work. Even he's got the work and he knows how much of a stress it is to do and how carelessly can he do something like that.

I was never going to talk to him here after, no matter whatever he does I was going to ignore him completely. Anyways it's not that we have even talked properly. So, it doesn't matter.

Once I came back to class, I dint see Archer there for the rest of the day. It's good that I dint, I dint even want to see his face again.

It was the last class and Mr. Tucker, our biology teacher came in. All of us wished him and after 5mins he asked all of us to submit our assignment.

Emma told me not to tell anything until and unless he asks individually if we've given or not. I agreed with her. Everyone went and gave their assignments.

"All for those who dint submit, their marks will surely be reduced in the final term."

Now this assignment was given 2 weeks back and the submission was actually last week Friday. But I am a last to last minute person so of course I pleaded and asked If I could submit it on Monday, as many of them dint finish it that day.

I still dint answer or tell him anything. Until he was counting the assignments submitted and told everyone who dint submit to stand up.

I had no other choice and I had to stand. Usually there are 2 to 3 people who wouldn't have submitted but this time there was not a single person who stood up except me. It was so shameful.

The teacher then asked me why I dint submit. I thought of showing him the torn assignment, but later I realized I had thrown that away at Archers face and come.

"I- I had finished it, but it all got torn." I told him.

I could have just complained that Archer was the one who tore it. But then if I tell that even I would get into trouble. As he would then bring up me pouring water on his notebook and then the complaint will go endlessly. I don't want that headache now. So, I dint complain.

"It got torn, is it?" he asked, this time a bit angrily.

"Yes sir, I am not lying, I had kept it on the table and the water got spilt, when I took it, all of it just got torn." I explained.

"If it did then show me the torn assignment at least."

Today is the worst day I swear.

"Sir, I threw it, it was completely wet."

"I promise tomorrow for sure I will give it to you as soon as I come to school. I will freshly redo it." I pleaded him.

"Sit down." He said. He was so done with me.

I felt so bad.

I just. Hate. Archer.

Now I have to sit and do this shit again the whole day today. How annoying is it going to be. No, but why would I, I will tell Archer to finish it. He was the one who ruined it and it was because of him that I was getting these scolding's.

But only if I could find him. I went all over the school everywhere, but he wasn't found anywhere. I even asked the people whom he talks to, but no one knew where he was.

Screw it, I only have to do it by myself.

As I was exiting school, Mr. Tucker called me and asked me why was I lying. I couldn't understand anything.

"What?" I asked him confusingly.

"I got your assignment. If you had lost it in school, you could have just told me, there was no need to make up that big story." He laughed and said.

I was genuinely confused. There was no way that ruined assignment could be fixed and be given.

"umm yes, sorry sir. " I dint know what else to tell.

"Its okay Claire, I got your assignment now that's all. You can go home." He said.

I hell had no idea what was even going on. And more of what did he tell. 'you could have told me if you lost it' uh, he dint even believe what had actually happened and he would believe something that dint.

"Who gave my assignment sir?" I asked him.

"It was already there in my desk when I went to my place. Just on the top."

"Oh, okay Thankyou sir."

Anyways now I don't have to go do my assignment again. I'll go find about who gave the assignment tomorrow.

Is it so dumb of me to even still feel that Archer could do something good?

I hate him. 

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